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Last active October 22, 2015 09:09
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ast full travserser template
Ambiguous parse: 5 alternatives.
# Alternative 1:
# Alternative 2:
# Alternative 3:
# Alternative 4:
# Alternative 5:
# trees from ASF traversing
[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 2 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 7 ] ] ] [ - ] [ Expr,[ Number 3 ] ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 10 ] ] ]
[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 2 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 7 ] ] [ - ] [ Expr,[ Number 3 ] ] ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 10 ] ] ]
[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 2 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 7 ] ] ] [ - ] [ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 3 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 10 ] ] ] ]
[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 2 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 7 ] ] [ - ] [ Expr,[ Number 3 ] ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 10 ] ] ] ]
[ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 2 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 7 ] ] [ - ] [ Expr,[ Expr,[ Number 3 ] ] [ ** ] [ Expr,[ Number 10 ] ] ] ] ]
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Deepcopy = 1;
use Carp::Always; # force stack trace
use Marpa::R2 2.090; # for parse()
my $g = Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new( {
source => \(<<'END_OF_SOURCE'),
:default ::= action => [ name, value]
lexeme default = action => [ name, value ] latm => 1
Expr ::=
| Expr '**' Expr
| Expr '-' Expr
Number ~ [\d]+
:discard ~ whitespace
whitespace ~ [\s]+
} );
my $input = <<EOI;
my $r = Marpa::R2::Scanless::R->new( {
max_parses => 100,
grammar => $g,
too_many_earley_items => 500,
# trace_terminals => 1
} );
eval { $r->read(\$input) } || warn "Parse failure: $@ Progress report is:\n" . $r->show_progress;
my $ast = $r->value;
unless (defined $ast){
die "No parse";
if ( $r->ambiguity_metric() > 1 ){
# gather parses
my @asts;
my $v = $ast;
do {
push @asts, ${ $v };
} until ( not $v = $r->value() );
say "Ambiguous parse: ", $#asts + 1, " alternatives.";
for my $i (0..$#asts){
say "# Alternative ", $i+1, ":\n", Dumper $asts[$i];
my $asf = Marpa::R2::ASF->new( { slr => $r } );
my $full_result = $asf->traverse( {}, \&full_traverser );
say "\n# trees from ASF traversing\n", join "\n", sort @$full_result;
say Dumper $ast;
sub full_traverser {
# This routine converts the glade into a list of elements. It is called recursively.
my ($glade, $scratch) = @_;
my $rule_id = $glade->rule_id();
my $symbol_id = $glade->symbol_id();
my $symbol_name = $g->symbol_name($symbol_id);
# A token is a single choice, and we know enough to return it
if ( not defined $rule_id ) {
my $literal = $glade->literal();
return [$symbol_name eq 'Number' ? "[ $symbol_name $literal ]" : "[ $literal ]" ];
} ## end if ( not defined $rule_id )
# Our result will be a list of choices
my @return_value = ();
CHOICE: while (1) {
# The results at each position are a list of choices, so
# to produce a new result list, we need to take a Cartesian
# product of all the choices
my @results = $glade->all_choices();
# Special case for the start rule
if ( $symbol_name eq '[:start]' ) {
return [ map { join q{}, @{$_} } @results ];
# Now we have a list of choices, as a list of lists. Each sub list
# is a list of elements, which we need to join into
# a single element. The result will be to collapse
# one level of lists, and leave us with a list of
# elements
# the ast node is built here (as textual representation for now)
my $join_ws = q{ };
push @return_value,
map { '[ ' . $symbol_name . q{,} . ( join $join_ws, @{$_} ) . ' ] ' }
# Look at the next alternative in this glade, or end the
# loop if there is none
last CHOICE if not defined $glade->next();
} ## end CHOICE: while (1)
# Return the list of elements for this glade
return \@return_value;
} ## end sub full_traverser
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