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Created April 11, 2016 13:35
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output of sl_jirotka.t
G1 S0 :start -- Internal G1 start symbol
G1 S1 Input
G1 S2 Statement
G1 S5 TypeDef
G1 S8 AS
G1 S9 MetricSelect
G1 S11 MetricExpr
G1 S12 ByClause
G1 S13 Match
G1 S14 Filter
G1 S15 WithPf
G1 S17 BY
G1 S18 FOR
G1 S20 FilterExpr
G1 S24 PF
G1 R0 Input ::= Statement +
G1 R1 Statement ::= CREATE TypeDef
G1 R2 TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect
G1 R3 MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause Match Filter WithPf
G1 R4 MetricExpr ::= NUMBER
G1 R5 ByClause ::=
G1 R6 ByClause ::= BY
G1 R7 Match ::=
G1 R8 Match ::= FOR
G1 R9 Filter ::=
G1 R10 Filter ::= WHERE FilterExpr
G1 R11 FilterExpr ::= TRUE
G1 R12 FilterExpr ::= FALSE
G1 R13 WithPf ::=
G1 R14 WithPf ::= WITH PF
G1 R15 :start ::= Input
AHM 0: postdot = "Input[Seq]"
Input ::= . Input[Seq]
AHM 1: completion
Input ::= Input[Seq] .
AHM 2: postdot = "Input[Seq]"
Input ::= . Input[Seq] SEPARATOR
AHM 3: postdot = "SEPARATOR"
Input ::= Input[Seq] . SEPARATOR
AHM 4: completion
Input ::= Input[Seq] SEPARATOR .
AHM 5: postdot = "Statement"
Input[Seq] ::= . Statement
AHM 6: completion
Input[Seq] ::= Statement .
AHM 7: postdot = "Input[Seq]"
Input[Seq] ::= . Input[Seq] SEPARATOR Statement
AHM 8: postdot = "SEPARATOR"
Input[Seq] ::= Input[Seq] . SEPARATOR Statement
AHM 9: postdot = "Statement"
Input[Seq] ::= Input[Seq] SEPARATOR . Statement
AHM 10: completion
Input[Seq] ::= Input[Seq] SEPARATOR Statement .
AHM 11: postdot = "CREATE"
Statement ::= . CREATE TypeDef
AHM 12: postdot = "TypeDef"
Statement ::= CREATE . TypeDef
AHM 13: completion
Statement ::= CREATE TypeDef .
AHM 14: postdot = "METRIC"
TypeDef ::= . METRIC ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect
AHM 15: postdot = "ID_METRIC"
TypeDef ::= METRIC . ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect
AHM 16: postdot = "AS"
TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC . AS MetricSelect
AHM 17: postdot = "MetricSelect"
TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC AS . MetricSelect
AHM 18: completion
TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect .
AHM 19: postdot = "SELECT"
MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 20: postdot = "MetricExpr"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 21: postdot = "ByClause"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr . ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 22: postdot = "MetricSelect[R3:3]"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause . MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 23: completion
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3] .
AHM 24: postdot = "SELECT"
MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
AHM 25: postdot = "MetricExpr"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
AHM 26: postdot = "ByClause"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr . ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
AHM 27: completion
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[] .
AHM 28: postdot = "SELECT"
MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 29: postdot = "MetricExpr"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause[] MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 30: postdot = "MetricSelect[R3:3]"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] . MetricSelect[R3:3]
AHM 31: completion
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] MetricSelect[R3:3] .
AHM 32: postdot = "SELECT"
MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
AHM 33: postdot = "MetricExpr"
MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause[] Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
AHM 34: completion
MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] Match[] Filter[] WithPf[] .
AHM 35: postdot = "Match"
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= . Match MetricSelect[R3:4]
AHM 36: postdot = "MetricSelect[R3:4]"
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match . MetricSelect[R3:4]
AHM 37: completion
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match MetricSelect[R3:4] .
AHM 38: postdot = "Match"
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= . Match Filter[] WithPf[]
AHM 39: completion
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match Filter[] WithPf[] .
AHM 40: postdot = "MetricSelect[R3:4]"
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match[] . MetricSelect[R3:4]
AHM 41: completion
MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match[] MetricSelect[R3:4] .
AHM 42: postdot = "Filter"
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= . Filter WithPf
AHM 43: postdot = "WithPf"
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter . WithPf
AHM 44: completion
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter WithPf .
AHM 45: postdot = "Filter"
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= . Filter WithPf[]
AHM 46: completion
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter WithPf[] .
AHM 47: postdot = "WithPf"
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter[] . WithPf
AHM 48: completion
MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter[] WithPf .
AHM 49: postdot = "NUMBER"
MetricExpr ::= . NUMBER
AHM 50: completion
MetricExpr ::= NUMBER .
AHM 51: postdot = "BY"
ByClause ::= . BY
AHM 52: completion
ByClause ::= BY .
AHM 53: postdot = "FOR"
Match ::= . FOR
AHM 54: completion
Match ::= FOR .
AHM 55: postdot = "WHERE"
Filter ::= . WHERE FilterExpr
AHM 56: postdot = "FilterExpr"
Filter ::= WHERE . FilterExpr
AHM 57: completion
Filter ::= WHERE FilterExpr .
AHM 58: postdot = "TRUE"
FilterExpr ::= . TRUE
AHM 59: completion
FilterExpr ::= TRUE .
AHM 60: postdot = "FALSE"
FilterExpr ::= . FALSE
AHM 61: completion
FilterExpr ::= FALSE .
AHM 62: postdot = "WITH"
WithPf ::= . WITH PF
AHM 63: postdot = "PF"
WithPf ::= WITH . PF
AHM 64: completion
WithPf ::= WITH PF .
AHM 65: postdot = "Input"
[:start] ::= . Input
AHM 66: completion
[:start] ::= Input .
AHM 67: postdot = "[:start]"
[:start]['] ::= . [:start]
AHM 68: completion
[:start]['] ::= [:start] .
Last Completed: 8; Furthest: 8
Earley Set 0
ahm67: R24:0@0-0
R24:0: [:start]['] ::= . [:start]
ahm65: R23:0@0-0
R23:0: [:start] ::= . Input
ahm0: R0:0@0-0
R0:0: Input ::= . Input[Seq]
ahm2: R1:0@0-0
R1:0: Input ::= . Input[Seq] SEPARATOR
ahm5: R2:0@0-0
R2:0: Input[Seq] ::= . Statement
ahm7: R3:0@0-0
R3:0: Input[Seq] ::= . Input[Seq] SEPARATOR Statement
ahm11: R4:0@0-0
R4:0: Statement ::= . CREATE TypeDef
Earley Set 1
ahm12: R4:1@0-1
R4:1: Statement ::= CREATE . TypeDef
[c=R4:0@0-0; s=CREATE; t=\undef]
ahm14: R5:0@1-1
R5:0: TypeDef ::= . METRIC ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect
Earley Set 2
ahm15: R5:1@1-2
R5:1: TypeDef ::= METRIC . ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect
[c=R5:0@1-1; s=METRIC; t=\undef]
Earley Set 3
ahm16: R5:2@1-3
R5:2: TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC . AS MetricSelect
[c=R5:1@1-2; s=ID_METRIC; t=\undef]
Earley Set 4
ahm17: R5:3@1-4
R5:3: TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC AS . MetricSelect
[c=R5:2@1-3; s=AS; t=\undef]
ahm19: R6:0@4-4
R6:0: MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3]
ahm24: R7:0@4-4
R7:0: MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
ahm28: R8:0@4-4
R8:0: MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] MetricSelect[R3:3]
ahm32: R9:0@4-4
R9:0: MetricSelect ::= . SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
Earley Set 5
ahm33: R9:1@4-5
R9:1: MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause[] Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
[c=R9:0@4-4; s=SELECT; t=\undef]
ahm29: R8:1@4-5
R8:1: MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause[] MetricSelect[R3:3]
[c=R8:0@4-4; s=SELECT; t=\undef]
ahm25: R7:1@4-5
R7:1: MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
[c=R7:0@4-4; s=SELECT; t=\undef]
ahm20: R6:1@4-5
R6:1: MetricSelect ::= SELECT . MetricExpr ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3]
[c=R6:0@4-4; s=SELECT; t=\undef]
ahm49: R16:0@5-5
R16:0: MetricExpr ::= . NUMBER
Earley Set 6
ahm50: R16$@5-6
R16$: MetricExpr ::= NUMBER .
[c=R16:0@5-5; s=NUMBER; t=\undef]
ahm21: R6:2@4-6
R6:2: MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr . ByClause MetricSelect[R3:3]
[p=R6:1@4-5; c=R16$@5-6]
ahm26: R7:2@4-6
R7:2: MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr . ByClause Match[] Filter[] WithPf[]
[p=R7:1@4-5; c=R16$@5-6]
ahm30: R8:3@4-6
R8:3: MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] . MetricSelect[R3:3]
[p=R8:1@4-5; c=R16$@5-6]
ahm34: R9$@4-6
R9$: MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] Match[] Filter[] WithPf[] .
[p=R9:1@4-5; c=R16$@5-6]
ahm18: R5$@1-6
R5$: TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect .
[p=R5:3@1-4; c=R9$@4-6]
ahm13: R4$@0-6
R4$: Statement ::= CREATE TypeDef .
[p=R4:1@0-1; c=R5$@1-6]
ahm6: R2$@0-6
R2$: Input[Seq] ::= Statement .
[p=R2:0@0-0; c=R4$@0-6]
ahm8: R3:1@0-6
R3:1: Input[Seq] ::= Input[Seq] . SEPARATOR Statement
[p=R3:0@0-0; c=R2$@0-6]
ahm3: R1:1@0-6
R1:1: Input ::= Input[Seq] . SEPARATOR
[p=R1:0@0-0; c=R2$@0-6]
ahm1: R0$@0-6
R0$: Input ::= Input[Seq] .
[p=R0:0@0-0; c=R2$@0-6]
ahm66: R23$@0-6
R23$: [:start] ::= Input .
[p=R23:0@0-0; c=R0$@0-6]
ahm68: R24$@0-6
R24$: [:start]['] ::= [:start] .
[p=R24:0@0-0; c=R23$@0-6]
ahm51: R17:0@6-6
R17:0: ByClause ::= . BY
ahm35: R10:0@6-6
R10:0: MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= . Match MetricSelect[R3:4]
ahm38: R11:0@6-6
R11:0: MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= . Match Filter[] WithPf[]
ahm40: R12:1@6-6
R12:1: MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match[] . MetricSelect[R3:4]
ahm42: R13:0@6-6
R13:0: MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= . Filter WithPf
ahm45: R14:0@6-6
R14:0: MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= . Filter WithPf[]
ahm47: R15:1@6-6
R15:1: MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter[] . WithPf
ahm53: R18:0@6-6
R18:0: Match ::= . FOR
ahm55: R19:0@6-6
R19:0: Filter ::= . WHERE FilterExpr
ahm62: R22:0@6-6
R22:0: WithPf ::= . WITH PF
Earley Set 7
ahm56: R19:1@6-7
R19:1: Filter ::= WHERE . FilterExpr
[c=R19:0@6-6; s=WHERE; t=\undef]
ahm58: R20:0@7-7
R20:0: FilterExpr ::= . TRUE
ahm60: R21:0@7-7
R21:0: FilterExpr ::= . FALSE
Earley Set 8
ahm59: R20$@7-8
R20$: FilterExpr ::= TRUE .
[c=R20:0@7-7; s=TRUE; t=\undef]
ahm57: R19$@6-8
R19$: Filter ::= WHERE FilterExpr .
[p=R19:1@6-7; c=R20$@7-8]
ahm46: R14$@6-8
R14$: MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter WithPf[] .
[p=R14:0@6-6; c=R19$@6-8]
ahm43: R13:1@6-8
R13:1: MetricSelect[R3:4] ::= Filter . WithPf
[p=R13:0@6-6; c=R19$@6-8]
ahm41: R12$@6-8
R12$: MetricSelect[R3:3] ::= Match[] MetricSelect[R3:4] .
[p=R12:1@6-6; c=R14$@6-8]
ahm31: R8$@4-8
R8$: MetricSelect ::= SELECT MetricExpr ByClause[] MetricSelect[R3:3] .
[p=R8:3@4-6; c=R12$@6-8]
ahm18: R5$@1-8
R5$: TypeDef ::= METRIC ID_METRIC AS MetricSelect .
[p=R5:3@1-4; c=R8$@4-8]
ahm13: R4$@0-8
R4$: Statement ::= CREATE TypeDef .
[p=R4:1@0-1; c=R5$@1-8]
ahm6: R2$@0-8
R2$: Input[Seq] ::= Statement .
[p=R2:0@0-0; c=R4$@0-8]
ahm8: R3:1@0-8
R3:1: Input[Seq] ::= Input[Seq] . SEPARATOR Statement
[p=R3:0@0-0; c=R2$@0-8]
ahm3: R1:1@0-8
R1:1: Input ::= Input[Seq] . SEPARATOR
[p=R1:0@0-0; c=R2$@0-8]
ahm1: R0$@0-8
R0$: Input ::= Input[Seq] .
[p=R0:0@0-0; c=R2$@0-8]
ahm66: R23$@0-8
R23$: [:start] ::= Input .
[p=R23:0@0-0; c=R0$@0-8]
ahm68: R24$@0-8
R24$: [:start]['] ::= [:start] .
[p=R24:0@0-0; c=R23$@0-8]
ahm62: R22:0@8-8
R22:0: WithPf ::= . WITH PF
Can't locate object method "show_or_nodes" via package "Marpa::R3::Scanless::R" at C:\cygwin\home\Ruslan\Marpa--R3\cpan\t\sl_jirotka.t line 93.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything.
Tool completed with exit code 255
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