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Last active August 13, 2020 13:26
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Purge inactive testflight users with fastlane

Purging inactive users from TestFlight

Pretty hacky flow, but this will remove anyone that was invited but not accepted their TestFlight invitation.

Start the Ruby REPL

$ irb

Setup your environment and select the your team

require "spaceship"
Spaceship::Tunes.login("[email protected]", "password")

Set variables you'll need

app = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::App.find("COM.YOUR.APP.ID")

Then get all the users

testers = app.get_beta_testers(includes: "betaTesterMetrics,betaGroups", limit: 200)

Go to App Store Connect. Keep scrolling and loading builds at the bottom of the page until there are no more builds. This will show the last-unexpired build.

The last build should say something like "Expires in 4 days".

In irb, set the last-unexpired build.

last_build = 1

Filter testers that should be removed:

  • Users in the Beta group and last-status is over 2 weeks (avoid removing anyone just-invited)
  • Users on an expired build.
    • Note that to_i will be 0 for users that have not accepted an invitation. This will also then automatically remove people who have not accepted an invite in over 2 weeks.
> remove_testers ={ |t| \ == "YOUR_BETA_GROUP_NAME" \
  && (( - Time.parse(t.beta_tester_metrics.first.last_modified_date)) / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0) > 14 \
  && t.beta_tester_metrics.first.installed_cf_bundle_version.to_i < last_build \

To check how many users you will remove


Then remove them from TestFlight

remove_testers.each{|t| t.delete_from_apps(apps: [app]) }


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