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Created December 12, 2019 12:30
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#define NDEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "solve.h"
#include "utils.h"
const int TOT_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
const int SPAN_FACTOR = 3;
const int MAX_SPAN_EXP = 25; // 3 * 32M = 96M
const int MIN_SPAN_EXP = 3; // 3 * 8 = 24 (TODO: Small block cache)
typedef struct SpanHeader {
uint8_t span_exp, is_free;
struct SpanHeader *prev, *next;
} SpanHeader;
static int top_exp;
static uint8_t *base, *top, *span_st, *append_st, *append_top;
static SpanHeader *link_st;
static inline int expidx(int span_exp) {
return span_exp - MIN_SPAN_EXP;
static inline int incr_top(int incr) {
if (top + incr >= base + TOT_SIZE)
return -1;
if ((uint8_t*)mem_sbrk(incr) + 1 == NULL)
return -1;
top += incr;
return 0;
static inline void insert_span_after(SpanHeader *x, SpanHeader *l) {
SpanHeader *r = l->next;
l->next = x, x->next = r;
r->prev = x, x->prev = l;
static inline void insert_span(SpanHeader *x, int span_exp) {
assert(((uint8_t*)x - span_st) % (SPAN_FACTOR << span_exp) == 0);
x->span_exp = span_exp;
x->is_free = true;
insert_span_after(x, link_st + expidx(span_exp));
static inline void remove_span(SpanHeader *x) {
SpanHeader *l = x->prev, *r = x->next;
l->next = r, r->prev = l;
static inline void *append_only_malloc(size_t size) {
void *ret = append_top;
append_top += size;
if (append_top > top)
if (incr_top(append_top - top) == -1)
return NULL;
return ret;
int my_init() {
append_st = NULL;
// Reset base
if ((top = (uint8_t*)mem_sbrk(0)) + 1 == NULL)
return -1;
base = top;
if (incr_top((ALIGNMENT - (size_t)top % ALIGNMENT) % ALIGNMENT) == -1)
return -1;
// Set the link list starting point
link_st = (SpanHeader*)top;
if (incr_top(sizeof(SpanHeader) * (MAX_SPAN_EXP - MIN_SPAN_EXP + 1)) == -1)
return -1;
for (int i = MIN_SPAN_EXP; i <= MAX_SPAN_EXP; i++)
link_st[expidx(i)].prev = link_st[expidx(i)].next = link_st + expidx(i);
// Allocate a minimal span
span_st = top;
if (incr_top(SPAN_FACTOR << MIN_SPAN_EXP) == -1)
return -1;
insert_span((SpanHeader*)(top - (SPAN_FACTOR << MIN_SPAN_EXP)), MIN_SPAN_EXP);
top_exp = MIN_SPAN_EXP;
#ifndef NDEBUG
puts("!!! DEBUG MODE !!!");
printf("span_st = 0x%lx\n", (size_t)span_st);
return 0;
void *my_malloc(size_t size) {
// Add span_exp overhead
size += ALIGNMENT;
// Find the span just >= size
int span_exp = MIN_SPAN_EXP;
while (span_exp <= MAX_SPAN_EXP && size > (SPAN_FACTOR << span_exp))
if (span_exp > MAX_SPAN_EXP)
return NULL;
// Increase top
append_top = top; // Prepare for append mode
if ((uint8_t*)link_st[expidx(top_exp)].prev + (SPAN_FACTOR << top_exp) == top)
append_top -= SPAN_FACTOR << top_exp;
int split_exp = span_exp;
while (split_exp < top_exp && link_st[expidx(split_exp)].prev == link_st + expidx(split_exp))
for (; top_exp <= split_exp; top_exp++) {
if (top_exp == split_exp && link_st[expidx(top_exp)].prev != link_st + expidx(top_exp))
if (append_st)
return append_only_malloc(size - ALIGNMENT);
if (incr_top(SPAN_FACTOR << top_exp) == -1) {
// Fall back to append only mode
append_st = append_top;
for (int i = MIN_SPAN_EXP; i <= top_exp; i++) // Undo
if ((uint8_t*)link_st[expidx(i)].next >= append_st)
return append_only_malloc(size - ALIGNMENT);
if (link_st[expidx(top_exp)].prev == link_st + expidx(top_exp))
insert_span((SpanHeader*)(top - (SPAN_FACTOR << top_exp)), top_exp);
else {
assert((uint8_t*)link_st[expidx(top_exp)].prev == top - (SPAN_FACTOR << (top_exp + 1)));
insert_span((SpanHeader*)(top - (SPAN_FACTOR << (top_exp + 1))), top_exp + 1);
// Split a larger span down
SpanHeader *target_span = link_st[expidx(split_exp)].next;
for (split_exp--; split_exp >= span_exp; split_exp--) {
uint8_t *buddy = (uint8_t*)target_span + (SPAN_FACTOR << split_exp);
insert_span((SpanHeader*)buddy, split_exp);
// Setup the header (necessary because not stored into a list)
target_span->span_exp = span_exp;
target_span->is_free = false;
return (uint8_t*)target_span + ALIGNMENT;
void my_free(void *_ptr) {
if (_ptr == NULL)
if (append_st && (uint8_t*)_ptr >= append_st)
uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)_ptr - ALIGNMENT;
int span_exp = ((SpanHeader*)ptr)->span_exp;
for (; span_exp < top_exp; span_exp++) {
size_t ptr_no = (ptr - span_st) / SPAN_FACTOR;
size_t buddy_no = ptr_no ^ (1 << span_exp);
SpanHeader *buddy = (SpanHeader*)(buddy_no * SPAN_FACTOR + span_st);
assert(buddy->span_exp <= span_exp);
if (!buddy->is_free || buddy->span_exp != span_exp)
ptr = (ptr_no & buddy_no) * SPAN_FACTOR + span_st;
insert_span((SpanHeader*)ptr, span_exp);
void *my_realloc(void *_ptr, size_t size) {
if (_ptr == NULL)
return _ptr = my_malloc(size);
if (size == 0) {
return _ptr = NULL;
if (!append_st || (uint8_t*)_ptr < append_st) {
uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)_ptr - ALIGNMENT;
int span_exp = ((SpanHeader*)ptr)->span_exp;
for (; span_exp < top_exp && (SPAN_FACTOR << span_exp) < size + ALIGNMENT; span_exp++) {
size_t ptr_no = (ptr - span_st) / SPAN_FACTOR;
size_t buddy_no = ptr_no ^ (1 << span_exp);
SpanHeader *buddy = (SpanHeader*)(buddy_no * SPAN_FACTOR + span_st);
assert(buddy->span_exp <= span_exp);
if ((uint8_t*)buddy < ptr || !buddy->is_free || buddy->span_exp != span_exp)
((SpanHeader*)ptr)->span_exp = span_exp;
if ((SPAN_FACTOR << span_exp) >= size + ALIGNMENT)
return _ptr;
void *new_ptr = my_malloc(size);
memcpy(new_ptr, _ptr, size); // Use memmove if overlapping
_ptr = new_ptr;
return _ptr;
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