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Last active September 14, 2020 02:43
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Amiibo Personality Research
Personality Total Wins Total Loses Total KOs Total Falls Total Damage Given Total Damage Received Total Match Wins Total Games Win Rate KOs per Game Falls per Game Damage Given per Game Damage Received per Game Damage Given per KO KOs per Fall
Offensive 35 10 124 83 18,524 14,856 7 45 77.8% 2.756 1.844 411.64 330.13 149.39 1.49
Lightning Fast 31 12 116 81 17,116 14,349 6 43 72.1% 2.698 1.884 398.05 333.70 147.55 1.43
Technician 25 26 120 120 19,038 18,943 3 51 49.0% 2.353 2.353 373.29 371.43 158.65 1.00
Daredevil 27 26 125 124 20,083 20,122 3 53 50.9% 2.358 2.340 378.92 379.66 160.66 1.01
Lively 30 19 125 102 19,715 16,985 5 49 61.2% 2.551 2.082 402.35 346.63 157.72 1.23
Entertainer 20 26 103 112 16,931 17,670 3 46 43.5% 2.239 2.435 368.07 384.13 164.38 0.92
Unflappable 15 30 93 114 15,780 18,145 1 45 33.3% 2.067 2.533 350.67 403.22 169.68 0.82
Sly 1 35 37 107 7,516 15,793 0 36 2.8% 1.028 2.972 208.78 438.69 203.14 0.35
Personality Damage Given per Game
Offensive 411.64
Lively 402.35
Lightning Fast 398.05
Daredevil 378.92
Technician 373.29
Entertainer 368.07
Unflappable 350.67
Sly 208.78
Personality Damage Given per KO
Lightning Fast 147.55
Offensive 149.39
Lively 157.72
Technician 158.65
Daredevil 160.66
Entertainer 164.38
Unflappable 169.68
Sly 203.14
Personality Damage Received per Fall
Offensive 178.99
Lightning Fast 177.15
Lively 166.52
Daredevil 162.27
Unflappable 159.17
Technician 157.86
Entertainer 157.77
Sly 147.60
Personality KOs per Fall
Offensive 1.49
Lightning Fast 1.43
Lively 1.23
Daredevil 1.01
Technician 1.00
Entertainer 0.92
Unflappable 0.82
Sly 0.35
Personality KOs per Game
Offensive 2.756
Lightning Fast 2.698
Lively 2.551
Daredevil 2.358
Technician 2.353
Entertainer 2.239
Unflappable 2.067
Sly 1.028
Personality Match Wins
Offensive 7
Lightning Fast 6
Lively 5
Technician 3
Daredevil 3
Entertainer 3
Unflappable 1
Sly 0
Personality Win Rate
Offensive 77.8%
Lightning Fast 72.1%
Lively 61.2%
Daredevil 50.9%
Technician 49.0%
Entertainer 43.5%
Unflappable 33.3%
Sly 2.8%
Challenger Opponent Wins Losses KOs Falls Damage Given Damage Received Win?
Offensive Lightning Fast 5 1 17 12 2600 2244 1
Lightning Fast Offensive 1 5 12 17 2207 2633 0
Offensive Daredevil 5 2 19 13 2823 2384 1
Daredevil Offensive 2 5 13 19 2369 2870 0
Offensive Technician 5 3 20 17 3014 2839 1
Technician Offensive 3 5 17 20 2811 3072 0
Offensive Lively 5 2 19 15 2856 2593 1
Lively Offensive 2 5 15 19 2610 2873 0
Offensive Entertainer 5 0 15 10 2120 1814 1
Entertainer Offensive 0 5 10 15 1768 2169 0
Offensive Sly 5 0 15 3 2103 768 1
Sly Offensive 0 5 3 15 754 2123 0
Offensive Unflappable 5 2 19 13 3008 2214 1
Unflappable Offensive 2 5 13 19 2202 3056 0
Lightning Fast Daredevil 5 2 19 14 2706 2478 1
Daredevil Lightning Fast 2 5 14 19 2446 2733 0
Lightning Fast Technician 5 1 17 11 2417 1865 1
Technician Lightning Fast 1 5 11 17 1834 2460 0
Lightning Fast Unflappable 5 1 17 11 2522 2083 1
Unflappable Lightning Fast 1 5 11 17 2068 2581 0
Lightning Fast Lively 5 3 21 18 3203 3085 1
Lively Lightning Fast 3 5 18 21 3065 3264 0
Lightning Fast Entertainer 5 0 15 6 1983 1390 1
Entertainer Lightning Fast 0 5 6 15 1378 2011 0
Lightning Fast Sly 5 0 15 4 2078 815 1
Sly Lightning Fast 0 5 4 15 792 2100 0
Technician Lively 3 5 17 21 2629 3172 0
Lively Technician 5 3 21 17 3150 2663 1
Technician Daredevil 3 5 19 20 3218 3119 0
Daredevil Technician 5 3 20 19 3081 3253 1
Technician Unflappable 5 2 18 16 2746 2568 1
Unflappable Technician 2 5 16 18 2510 2881 0
Technician Sly 5 0 15 5 2172 1050 1
Sly Technician 0 5 5 15 1000 2183 0
Technician Entertainer 5 4 23 21 3628 3502 1
Entertainer Technician 4 5 21 23 3429 3706 0
Daredevil Lively 4 5 21 22 3403 3645 0
Lively Daredevil 5 4 22 21 3624 3443 1
Daredevil Entertainer 4 5 21 22 3412 3396 0
Entertainer Daredevil 5 4 22 21 3324 3482 1
Daredevil Sly 5 0 15 6 2115 1237 1
Sly Daredevil 0 5 6 15 1212 2142 0
Daredevil Unflappable 5 3 21 17 3257 2988 1
Unflappable Daredevil 3 5 17 21 2943 3323 0
Lively Sly 5 0 15 5 2295 1073 1
Sly Lively 0 5 5 15 1027 2350 0
Lively Entertainer 5 1 17 10 2652 1822 1
Entertainer Sly 1 5 10 17 1781 2699 0
Lively Unflappable 5 1 17 9 2319 1847 1
Unflappable Lively 1 5 9 17 1843 2374 0
Unflappable Sly 5 0 15 5 2180 1251 1
Sly Unflappable 0 5 5 15 1200 2205 0
Unflappable Entertainer 1 5 12 17 2034 2679 0
Entertainer Unflappable 5 1 17 12 2579 2048 1
Sly Entertainer 1 5 9 17 1531 2690 0
Entertainer Sly 5 1 17 9 2672 1555 1
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