Amount: USD 2000
The goal with this bounty is to be able to get a counterwallet stack running via fednode, launch counterwallet, and have it "just work", similar to how it did in the 2016 or so timeframe before counterblock/counterwallet maintenance was (mostly) stopped. I suspect most things will be pretty straightforward, but since it has been so long between now and then, expect to run into more than a few hairy issues.
Please submit your code updates as pull requests to the relevant repos. I don't need or want a PR for every little thing, but it would be nice if they could be logically grouped (e.g. "update build deps for counterwallet and fix related issues", "fix counterblock reparsing issues", etc). I will review the PRs and merge them in if they look good, or offer comments if something needs to be resolved.
There is no firm time limit for this bounty, but it would be good if done over the next 1-3 months, as your schedule allows.