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Last active March 16, 2025 07:33
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  • Save robconery/f93d016ace16feb7156f9b7905f3f499 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Code style Snippets
"Code Gen Instruction": {
"prefix": "instruction-codegen",
"body": [
"\t\"\": [",
"\t\t\t\"text\": \"use JavaScript for all code. use camelCase for variable names, PascalCase for class names. Use spaces for indentation. Use single quotes for strings. Use 2 spaces for indentation.\"",
"Test Gen Instructions": {
"prefix": "instruction-test",
"body": [
"\t\"\": [",
"\t\t\t\"text\": \"Use verbose class names that clearly state the test case. Use the AAA pattern for test cases. Arrange, Act, Assert.\"",
"Commit Gen Instructions": {
"prefix": "instruction-git",
"body": [
"\t\"\": [",
"\t\t\t\"text\": \"Be extremely detailed with the file changes and the reason for the change. Add lots of emoji\"",
"Review Instructions": {
"prefix": "instruction-review",
"body": [
"\t\"\": [",
"\t\t\t\"text\": \"All classes should have comments. Functions should have comments. Variables SHOULD NOT have comments.\"",
//drop this file into your .vscode directory for local snippets
"JS Styles": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "style-js",
"body": [
"# Javascript",
"This project uses JavaScript with the following styles:",
" - All models will be classes with singular naming (i.e. `User` for the `users` table)",
" - All code files will be lower case with underscores.",
" - Markdown files will be lower case with hyphens.",
" - All application logic will go in the `lib` directory",
" - All configuration will be done with environment variables, using a `.env` file.",
" - Do not export a class directly, use module method instead to create the instance you need (aka \"factory\")"
"Sequelize Style": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "style-sequelize",
"body": [
"## Sequelize",
"All model code should adhere to the following:",
" - All database models will go in a `db/models` directory. ",
" - Every model will have a `tableName` setting",
" - The models will have an `index.js` module that instantiates Sequelize, using SQLite for testing and development, Postgres for production.",
" - The `index.js` module will export each model, as well as the database instance.",
"Every model will follow the pattern:"
"sequelize-model": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "style-sequelize-model",
"body": [
"const { DataTypes, Model } = require('sequelize');",
"class User extends Model {",
"\t//static or factory methods",
"\t//instance methods",
"exports.init = function(sequelize){",
"\t\t//schema goes here",
"\t}, {",
"\t\thooks: {},",
"\t\ttableName: \"users\"",
"\t\tunderscored: true,",
"description": "Sequelize model"
"Test Styles": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "style-testing",
"body": [
"## Tests",
"All tests will be run with Mocha.js using the core `assert` library. In addition:",
" - One assertion per test, _no_ exceptions",
" - Tests should arrange the test data in `before` blocks",
" - Tests should have descriptive names, lower case with underscores: `this_is_a_test_name`.",
" - Tests may use a database, which should always be SQLite in-memory.",
" - The word \"should\" will be avoided in test names. A test either passes or fail, it `is`, `is not`, `does`, or `does not`. There is no try.",
" - Tests will be nested, with the outer `describe` block indicating the main test feature, and the first inner `describe` block being the \"happy path\" - which is what happens when everything works as expected. The rest of the nested blocks will be devoted to \"sad path\" tests, with bad data, null values, and any other unexpected settings we can think of."
"Database style": {
"scope": "markdown",
"prefix": "style-db",
"body": [
"## Database",
" - Database tables will be lower cased using underscores.",
" - Every table will have an integer primary key called `id`.",
" - `users` will not store passwords, only social login information as well as magic email links.",
" - `char`, `varchar` and `nvarchar` are never to be used for string fields, only `text`.",
" - Every table should have `created_at` and `updated_at` timestamps.",
" - Many to Many relationships will have compound primary keys, never a single ID with compound unique."
"": [
"text": "use JavaScript for all code. use camelCase for variable names, PascalCase for class names. Use spaces for indentation. Use single quotes for strings. Use 2 spaces for indentation."
"": [
"text": "Be extremely detailed with the file changes and the reason for the change. Use lots of emojis."
"": [
"text": "All classes should have comments. Functions should have comments. Variables SHOULD NOT have comments."
"": [
"text": "Use verbose class names that clearly state the test case. Use the AAA pattern for test cases. Arrange, Act, Assert."
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