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Created April 21, 2014 11:26
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CodeJam Treasure solution
__author__ = ""
One of my favorite code jam problems.
solution to the Treasure problem from google code jam 2013:
from sys import stdin
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
def can_take(i, keys, chests):
The purpose of this function is to ensure that if we take chest i,
with the remaining keys and the new keys from chest i,
is it still possible to reach every key required for the remaining chests..
If it is still possible, then we can greedily take this chest.
If there is a certain key that can't be reached then we can't take it.
idx, Ti, chest_keys = chests[i]
#firstly.. can we actually open this chest:
if keys[Ti] == 0:
return False
#Now for the search (BFS)... Does the "connected" property hold:
needed_keys = set(ti for idx2, ti, _ in chests if idx2 != idx)
keys_by_type = defaultdict(Counter)
for idx2, Ti2, chest_keys2 in chests:
if idx2 == idx:
keys_by_type[Ti2] += chest_keys2
fringe = set(keys.keys() + chest_keys.keys())
if keys[Ti] == 1 and chest_keys[Ti] < 1:
#we just used Key Ti and it was our last one!
#got these keys already (from existing keys or from opened chest)..
needed_keys -= fringe
while needed_keys:
new_fringe = set()
for parent in fringe:
for child in keys_by_type[parent]:
if child in needed_keys:
if new_fringe:
fringe = new_fringe
return False if needed_keys else True
return True
def solve(keys, chests, N):
if N == 0:
return []
for i in range(len(chests)):
if can_take(i, keys, chests):
idx, Ti, chest_keys = chests.pop(i)
keys -= Counter([Ti])
keys += chest_keys
return [idx] + solve(keys, chests, N-1)
nums = (map(int, line.split()) for line in stdin)
for case in range(1, next(nums)[0] + 1):
K, N = next(nums)
keys = Counter(next(nums))
types = Counter()
chests = []
for i in range(1, N + 1):
x = next(nums)
Ti, Ki, chest_keys = x[0], x[1], Counter(x[2:])
chests.append((i, Ti, chest_keys))
types[Ti] += 1
#clean keys
for k in keys.keys():
if k not in types:
del keys[k]
#clean chests
for chest in chests:
for ti in chest[2].keys():
if ti not in types:
del chest[2][ti]
#what keys do we have available.
available = keys.copy()
for chest in chests:
available += chest[2]
#do we have enough keys for all the chests:
if types - available:
ans = None
ans = solve(keys, chests, N)
print "Case #%d: %s" % (case, "IMPOSSIBLE" if ans is None else " ".join(str(i) for i in ans))
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