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Created March 10, 2022 12:11
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Autohotkey Mac Keyboard
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance Force
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
Send, {End}
Send, {Home}
Send, +{End}
Send, +{Home}
; Select word next
#+Right::Send, ^+{Right}
; Move word next
#Right::Send, ^{Right}
; Select word next
#+Left::Send, ^+{Left}
; Move word next
#Left::Send, ^{Left}
; Move line down
#Down::Send, !{Down}
; Move line up
#Up::Send, !{Up}
; Make Ctrl + S work with cmd (windows) key
!s::Send, ^s
; Make Ctrl + S work with cmd (windows) key
!+s::Send, ^+s
; Selecting
!a::Send, ^a
; Selecting
!l::Send, ^l
; Next selection
!d::Send, ^d
; Copying
!c::Send, ^c
; Cut
!x::Send, ^x
; Pasting
!v::Send, ^v
; Copying
!+c::Send, ^+c
; Pasting
!+v::Send, ^+v
; Bold
!b::Send, ^b
; Italic
!i::Send, ^i
; Bold
!+b::Send, ^+b
; Italic
!+i::Send, ^+i
; Printing
!p::Send, ^p
; Opening
!o::Send ^o
; Opening
!+o::Send ^+o
; Finding
!f::Send ^f
; Finding
!+f::Send ^+f
; Replace
!h::Send ^h
; Replace
!+h::Send ^+h
; Undo
!z::Send ^z
; Redo
!y::Send ^y
; New tab
!t::Send ^t
; close tab
!w::Send ^w
; new window
!n::Send ^n
; new window
!+n::Send ^+n
; refresh
!r::Send ^r
; refresh
!+r::Send ^+r
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