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if Threads.nthreads() < 2 | |
exit("Multiple threads NOT found! Makes no sense to test this without them... Start as, for example: JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4 julia multithreaded_optimization.jl") | |
end | |
using BlackBoxOptim | |
# Functions to optimize. Should be thread-safe. | |
function rosenbrock(x) | |
sleep(0.01) # So that there is some benefit in the thread switching... | |
sum(i -> 100*abs2(x[i+1] - x[i]^2) + abs2(x[i] - 1), Base.OneTo(length(x)-1)) | |
end | |
function rastrigin(x) | |
D = length(x) | |
10 * D + sum(abs2, x) - 10 * sum(xx -> cos(2π * xx), x) | |
end | |
# For multi-objective opt: | |
optfun(x) = (rosenbrock(x), rastrigin(x)) | |
# Let's ensure they are really thread-safe: | |
for fn in Function[rosenbrock, rastrigin] | |
N = 1000000 | |
points = rand(N, 2) | |
@time single_threaded = map(i -> fn(points[i, :]), 1:N) | |
multi_threaded = zeros(Float64, N) | |
@time Threads.@threads for i in 1:N | |
multi_threaded[i] = fn(points[i, :]) | |
end | |
@assert sum((single_threaded .- multi_threaded).^2) == 0 | |
end | |
# Short runs to ensure things have compiled: | |
bboptimize(rosenbrock; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 2, | |
MaxTime = 0.1, TraceMode = :silent, Method = :dxnes, lambda = 10); | |
bboptimize(rosenbrock; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 2, | |
MaxTime = 0.1, TraceMode = :silent, NThreads=Threads.nthreads()-1, Method = :dxnes, lambda = 10); | |
bboptimize(optfun; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 2, | |
MaxTime = 0.5, TraceMode = :silent, NThreads=Threads.nthreads()-1, | |
Method = :borg_moea, ϵ=0.05, | |
FitnessScheme=ParetoFitnessScheme{2}(is_minimizing=true)); | |
# Same time given to single- and multi-threaded optimization runs: | |
MaxTime = 10.0 | |
# Now run the single-threaded optimization: | |
@time res_single = bboptimize(rosenbrock; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 100, | |
MaxTime = MaxTime, TraceMode = :silent, Method = :dxnes, lambda = 10) | |
# Now run the multi-threaded optimization: | |
@time res_multi = bboptimize(rosenbrock; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 100, | |
MaxTime = MaxTime, TraceMode = :silent, NThreads=Threads.nthreads()-1, | |
Method = :dxnes, lambda = 10) | |
println("Fitness (single-threaded): ", round(best_fitness(res_single), digits=4)) | |
println("Fitness (multi-threaded): ", round(best_fitness(res_multi), digits=4)) | |
#@assert BlackBoxOptim.f_calls(res_single) < BlackBoxOptim.f_calls(res_multi) | |
@time res_single = bboptimize(optfun; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 100, | |
MaxTime = MaxTime, TraceMode = :silent, | |
Method = :borg_moea, ϵ=0.05, | |
FitnessScheme=ParetoFitnessScheme{2}(is_minimizing=true)); | |
@time res_multi = bboptimize(optfun; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 100, | |
MaxTime = MaxTime, TraceMode = :silent, NThreads=Threads.nthreads()-1, | |
Method = :borg_moea, ϵ=0.05, | |
FitnessScheme=ParetoFitnessScheme{2}(is_minimizing=true)); | |
# The whole idea with multi-threading is that we can evaluate more function calls in same time so: | |
@assert BlackBoxOptim.f_calls(res_single) < BlackBoxOptim.f_calls(res_multi) | |
# Now do repeated runs and compare if there is a real difference in fitness | |
using HypothesisTests | |
using Statistics | |
for method in [:adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited, :dxnes] | |
fsingle, fmulti = Float64[], Float64[] | |
for i in 1:10 | |
println("Single-threaded run $i") | |
res_single = bboptimize(rosenbrock; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 100, | |
Method = method, MaxTime = MaxTime, TraceMode = :silent) | |
push!(fsingle, best_fitness(res_single)) | |
println("Fitness (single-threaded): ", round(last(fsingle), digits=2)) | |
println("Multi-threaded run $i") | |
res_multi = bboptimize(rosenbrock; SearchRange = (-5.0, 5.0), NumDimensions = 100, | |
Method = method, MaxTime = MaxTime, TraceMode = :silent, NThreads=Threads.nthreads()-1) | |
push!(fmulti, best_fitness(res_multi)) | |
println("Fitness (multi-threaded): ", round(last(fmulti), digits=2)) | |
end | |
pval = pvalue(MannWhitneyUTest(fsingle, fmulti)) | |
# Seems to give consistently better fitness in single-threaded runs on my 4-core | |
# (as well as 2-core (but more expected there)) laptops for adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited. | |
# Tried for MaxTime 5, 10, and 60 seconds with same results... | |
println("For method: ", method) | |
println("Mean Fitness (single-threaded): ", round(mean(fsingle), digits=2)) | |
println("Mean Fitness (multi-threaded): ", round(mean(fmulti), digits=2)) | |
println("Significant difference: ", (pval < 0.01 ? "Yes" : "No"), " ($(round(pval, digits=5)))") | |
end |
Not seeing better opt performance or higher number of f_calls for BorgMOEA either. Maybe I'm missing something...
As one example run of the single- and multi-threaded BorgMOEAs:
julia> BlackBoxOptim.f_calls(res_single)
julia> BlackBoxOptim.f_calls(res_multi)
This is on an old 4-core MacBook Pro.
Ok, checking this again I now realise the rosenbrock and rastrigin funcs are way too fast to evaluate to really test this so any thread-switching will take way more time than can be saved, obviously. ;) My bad.
When running this on an 8-core machine the info-messages from MultiThreadedEvaluator are not printed though but maybe something with my setup of that ubuntu machine. Will investigate some more.
It is strange but when running this on a freshly installed Ubuntu machine with 8 cores it does not seem to start multiple workers. The @info messages are not printed there and results are not better for the multi-threaded runs. Not sure what is going on here this is on latest julia 1.3.1:
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.3.1
Commit 2d5741174c (2019-12-30 21:36 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Eight-Core Processor
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-6.0.1 (ORCJIT, znver1)
Both dxnes and adaptive_de_rand_1_bin_radiuslimited gives better performance in single-threaded mode for me... Testing BorgMOEA next.