These are messages you can directly use for responding to many common git questions.
Enter the following commands one by one into your command line: ```.sh git checkout master git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master ``` --- 1. Switch to your local master branch. 2. Download all new commits from the Zulip repository. 3. Add the new commits on top of your local master branch. ```
Enter the following commands one by one into your command line: ```.sh git checkout git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/master ``` --- 1. Switch to the branch you want to update. 2. Download all new commits from the Zulip repository. 3. Add the new commits on top of your local master branch.
Enter the following commands one by one into your command line: ```.sh git add -u git commit --amend ``` --- 1. Stage all files you edited. 2. Add the changes in the staged files to your last commit. *3. In text editor: Edit the commit message (if you want) and save.*
There is also
git pull --rebase
as a shortcut togit fetch; git rebase
, but I think it is important for understanding to use the verbose versions in the beginning.