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Created August 20, 2017 16:50
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Sorts AssemblyBindingRedirects and Removes Duplicates
// ===========================================
// Fix AssemblyBindingRedirects
// Prototype by Robert McLaws (@robertmclaws)
// Last Updated 20 Aug 2017
// ===========================================
//RWM: Set these to your specific project.
var projectFolder = @"D:\GitHub\SomeSolution\src\SomeProject";
const string configFile = "app.config";
//RWM: Don't mess with these.
XNamespace defaultNs = "";
XNamespace assemblyBindingNs = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1";
var assemblyBindings = new XElement(assemblyBindingNs + "assemblyBinding");
var newBindings = new SortedDictionary<string, XElement>();
//RWM: Start by backing up the files.
File.Copy(Path.Combine(projectFolder, configFile), Path.Combine(projectFolder, configFile + ".bak"), true);
//RWM: Load the files.
var config = XDocument.Load(Path.Combine(projectFolder, configFile));
var oldBindingRoot = config.Root.Descendants().FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.LocalName == "assemblyBinding");
foreach (var dependentAssembly in oldBindingRoot.Elements().ToList())
var assemblyIdentity = dependentAssembly.Element(assemblyBindingNs + "assemblyIdentity");
var bindingRedirect = dependentAssembly.Element(assemblyBindingNs + "bindingRedirect");
if (newBindings.ContainsKey(assemblyIdentity.Attribute("name").Value))
//RWM: We've seen this assembly before. Check to see if we can update the version.
var newBindingRedirect = newBindings[assemblyIdentity.Attribute("name").Value].Descendants(assemblyBindingNs + "bindingRedirect").First();
var oldVersion = Version.Parse(newBindingRedirect.Attribute("newVersion").Value);
var newVersion = Version.Parse(bindingRedirect.Attribute("newVersion").Value);
if (newVersion > oldVersion)
newBindings.Add(assemblyIdentity.Attribute("name").Value, dependentAssembly);
//RWM: Add the SortedDictionary items to our new assemblyBindingd element.
foreach (var binding in newBindings)
//RWM: Fix up the web.config by adding the new assemblyBindings and removing the old one.
//RWM: Save the condfig file.
config.Save(Path.Combine(projectFolder, configFile));
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