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# I tried a few test scenarios to see when a transaction might read a value that is stale.
# * * *
# Test 1
# 1. Transaction 1 gets count from recipe: 0
# 2. Transaction 2 gets count from recipe: 0
# 3. Transaction 2 updates count: 666
# 4. Transaction 1 gets count: 0
# 5. Transaction 1 commits

Estamos usando Pins para compartir, guardar y tener una forma fácil de encontrar ofertas de trabajo

Compartiendo ofertas de trabajo

  1. Comparta la oferta de trabajo idealmente incluyendo descripción, habilidades requeridas, habilidades deseadas, salario, si es remota o no y cómo aplicar a la oferta.

Por ejemplo:

Desarrollador Full Stack en Medellín.
def cities_in_region(region_id)
.or(Left("Couldn't find region #{region_id}"))
>-> region { region.bounding_box }
.or(Left("Region #{region_id} has no bounding box"))
>-> bounding_box { GeoNames.search_cities(bounding_box) }
require 'gctools/oobgc'
module GC
module OOB
module PumaMiddleware
ObjectSpace.each_object(Puma::Server) do |s|
sealed trait InvoiceStatus
case class NoGenerated() extends InvoiceStatus
case class Generated() extends InvoiceStatus
case class Paid() extends InvoiceStatus
case class Invoice[State <: InvoiceStatus](id: Option[Long], value: Long, status: State)
trait InvoiceServices {
def salaries_by_lang(salaries, lang)
salaries.find_all{|x| x[:in_what_technologies_are_you_proficient?] =~ /#{lang}/}
# company_type can be for example: multinational, outside, exclusively
def salaries_by_company_type(salaries, company_type)
salaries.find_all{|x| x[:"referring_to_the_company_or_project_that_you_work_for_most_of_the_time:"] =~ /#{company_type}/}
guilleiguaran / gist:e00f8a609f0a30e35c18
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Salaries for devs that know Ruby.
Colombia salaries:
Total: 77
$0: 1
USD$1 - USD$999: 27
USD$1,000 - USD$1,999: 31
USD$2,000 - USD$2,999: 8
USD$3,000 - USD$3,999: 6
USD$4,000 - USD$4,999: 1
USD$5,000 - USD$5,999: 2
USD$6,000 - USD$6,999: 0
class ChatChannel < ActionChannel::Base
# join is triggered on user connect
def join(channel, message)
puts "JOIN #{channel}"
# reply messages are sent only to the user invoking the action
reply "user:welcome", salute: "Welcome to the channel #{message['username']}!!!"
# broadcast messages are sent to all the users connected to the channel
broadcast "user:entered", username: message["username"]
kitop /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
angular on cuba - Rubyconf 2014
class CountryChecker
def initialize(app, options = {})
@app = app
@ip_override = options[:allow_ip_override]
def call(env)
request =