% Start your pool! |
% matlabpool open |
%% |
% this cell gets details about the pool to find a single worker on |
% each physical machine |
% get all hosts and workers |
spmd |
t = getCurrentWorker(); |
ids = labindex; |
hosts = get(t,'Host'); |
workers = get(t,'Name'); |
end |
% convert from spmd objects |
ids = {ids{:}}; |
hosts = {hosts{:}}; |
workers = {workers{:}}; |
uniquehosts = unique(hosts); |
uniqueworkersidx = zeros(1,length(uniquehosts)); |
for hi=1:length(uniquehosts); |
% idx all workers on this host |
idx = cellfun(@(x) strcmpi(x, uniquehosts{hi}), hosts); |
% just take the first one |
uniqueworkersidx(hi) = min(find(idx)); |
end |
% setup shared memory on each host |
% using only one worker per host |
uniqueids = [ids{uniqueworkersidx}]; |
% uniqueids now contains the id of one worker per physical machine |
%% |
% set this a unique 5 digit key to identify the shared memory for your |
% project |
shmkey = 11112; |
spmd |
% add path to all workers |
% this should be a shared drive or somewhere that all workers have access to |
% which contains the sharedmatrix package (if not already setup on each worker) |
% and your customised clonesharedmemory() function for loading your data set |
addpath('/analyse/pilots/robini/code') |
addpath('/analyse/pilots/robini/code/sharedmatrix') |
% only clone the shared memory on one worker per physical machine |
if ismember(labindex, uniqueids) |
% clonesharedmemory needs to be a function you write to load |
% your data as appropriate |
% have to write it as a function to avoid having data in the spmd |
% scope which will be transmitted back to the client machine |
clonesharedmemory(shmkey) |
fprintf(1,'Id %i OK', labindex) |
end |
end |
%% |
% now you can use your shared memory in all your workers |
% things go a bit wonky if you don't detach and free properly |
% so try to only attach to the big data at the start, extract the slice |
% or data you need for that iteration and then detach ASAP |
% Don't add the shared stuff until there are no other errors! |
xavg = zeros(1,1000); |
parfor i=1:1000 |
x = sharedmatrix('attach', shmkey); |
xavg(i) = mean(x(i,:)); |
sharedmatrix('detach', shmkey, x); |
end |
%% |
% it might be a good idea to put a sharedmatrix option so you can run |
% it with or without for testing... something like this (to give an idea |
% - not tested) |
%doshared = false; |
%parfor i=1:1000 |
%if doshared |
%x = sharedmatrix('attach',shmkey); |
%else |
%x = plain_data_load(); |
%end |
%xavg(i) = mean(x(i,:)); |
%if doshared |
%sharedmatrix('detach', shmkey, x); |
%end |
%end |
%% |
% remember to free it at the end |
% this will give an error if it is already freed |
spmd |
if ismember(labindex, uniqueids) |
sharedmatrix('free',shmkey); |
end |
end |
%% |
% these frees on all workers just to be sure and catches any errors |
spmd |
try sharedmatrix('free',shmkey);catch,end; |
end |