Generate Ed448 Key pair
./botan keygen --algo=Ed448 | tee priv.key
./botan pkcs8 priv.key --pub-out | tee pub.key.pem
./botan pkcs8 priv.key --pub-out --der-out | tee pub.key.der
xxd -i pub.key.der > pub_key_der.h
Sign file:
IMPORTANT!! Specify --hash=""
, otherwise Botan CLI will use --hash=SHA-256
and you won't be able to programatically verify the hashes with the default Ed448 settings, e.g. Botan::PK_Verifier verifier(*pubkey, "Pure");
or Botan::PK_Verifier verifier(*pubkey, "");
(with pubkey
being an Ed448 key)
./botan sign --hash="" priv.key file_to_sign > signature
./botan verify --hash="" pub.key.pem file_to_sign signature
Sign file efficient (CANNOT verify with botan verify
./botan sign --hash="" priv.key file_to_sign | base64 -d > signature