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Last active June 24, 2020 13:23
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* Create order dynamically
add_action( 'woocommerce_before_checkout_form', 'create_order' );
function create_order() {
global $woocommerce;
$address = array(
'first_name' => 'Firstname',
'last_name' => 'Lastname',
'company' => 'Company',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'phone' => '012-345-6789',
'address_1' => 'Address line 1',
'address_2' => 'Address line 2',
'city' => 'City',
'state' => 'State',
'postcode' => '00000',
'country' => 'Country'
// Now we create the order
$order = wc_create_order();
// Use the product IDs to add
$order->add_product( get_product( 123 ), 1);
// Set addresses
$order->set_address( $address, 'billing' );
$order->set_address( $address, 'shipping' );
// Set payment gateway
$payment_gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->payment_gateways();
$order->set_payment_method( $payment_gateways['bacs'] );
// Calculate totals
$order->update_status( 'Processing', 'Order created via Pick-A-Display - ', TRUE);
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