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Created October 25, 2018 23:18
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A more readable and annotated version of the Javascript groupBy from Ceasar Bautista (
var groupBy = function(data, key) { // `data` is an array of objects, `key` is the key (or property accessor) to group by
// reduce runs this anonymous function on each element of `data` (the `item` parameter,
// returning the `storage` parameter at the end
return data.reduce(function(storage, item) {
// get the first instance of the key by which we're grouping
var group = item[key];
// set `storage` for this instance of group to the outer scope (if not empty) or initialize it
storage[group] = storage[group] || [];
// add this item to its group within `storage`
// return the updated storage to the reduce function, which will then loop through the next
return storage;
}, {}); // {} is the initial value of the storage
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Vinetos commented Jun 7, 2022

A simple version with a supplier for the groups

const groupBy = (arr, keysSupplier) => {
    return arr.reduce((obj, elt) => {
        let key = keysSupplier(elt)
        if (obj[key] === undefined)
            obj[key] = []
        return obj
    }, {})

// Example
// Grouping array by typeof
groupBy(array, elt => typeof elt)

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yogithesymbian commented Oct 11, 2022

i looking for these outputs
   custom: 'data1 custom b',
   group_by: 'school x',
   "children": {
       // data
   custom: 'data2 custom a',
   group_by: 'school a',
   "children": {
       // data

but the unexpected is

'school a': {
  // data
'school x': {
  // data

i have tried with

storage['data'] = storage['data'] || [];
    storage[group] = storage[group] || [];

    // add this item to its group within `storage`

    // storage['data'].push({
    //   label: group,
    //   mode: 'span',
    //   html: false,
    //   children: storage[group]
    // });

but its looping the result.

i have solved by add new function look like these

exports.groupByVue = async function(data)  {
  let result = [];
  for (const key in data) {
    if (, key)) {
      const element = data[key];
        label: key,
        children: element,
  return result;

but i want the code is inside the group by as default .

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