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Last active November 18, 2022 12:40
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  • Save robodhruv/f9e185ec14556e905373c5be72718d6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robodhruv/f9e185ec14556e905373c5be72718d6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to extract messages on desired topics, and save them in a CSV file. Easy to modify as per requirements.
This script collects data from all the bag files in the directory passed as the first
argument when launching. In particular, it collects the rostopics listed in the
concerned list and generates a CSV file containing the same. The readings are triggered
by the trigger topic.
Author: Dhruv Ilesh Shah
[email protected] | [email protected]
import rosbag
import numpy as np
import sys, os
import csv
import yaml
rostopics = ["/polaris_h_rad", "/lilred_velocity_controller/odom"]
trigger = 0 # This stores the index of the trigger topic. Here, /polaris_h_rad
print(chr(27) + "[2J")
print "Entering", sys.argv[1]
for filename in os.listdir(sys.argv[1]):
print "Opening", filename
bag = rosbag.Bag(os.path.join(sys.argv[1], filename))
bag_info = yaml.load(bag._get_yaml_info())
print "Found bag with duration", bag_info['duration'], "seconds"
print "Parsing", filename
csv_file = filename + ".csv"
csvfile = open(csv_file, 'wb')
writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',')
flag = 0
row = []
for msg in bag.read_messages(topics=rostopics):
if msg[0] == rostopics[trigger]:
# Trigger found. Get ready to accept other topics
flag = 1
row = []
# print "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"
if flag:
if msg[0] in rostopics:
if msg[0] == "/polaris_h_rad":
# print "Rad: ", msg[1].multi_array.layout.dim[0].size
elif msg[0] == "/lilred_velocity_controller/odom":
# print "Odom: ", msg[1].pose.pose.position
row.extend([msg[1].pose.pose.position.x, msg[
1].pose.pose.position.y, msg[1].pose.pose.position.z])
flag = 0
print "Parsed data. Saved as", csv_file
This script saves each topic in a bagfile as a csv.
Accepts a filename as an optional argument. Operates on all bagfiles in current directory if no argument provided
Written by Nick Speal in May 2013 at McGill University's Aerospace Mechatronics Laboratory
Supervised by Professor Inna Sharf, Professor Meyer Nahon
import rosbag, sys, csv
import time
import string
import os #for file management make directory
import shutil #for file management, copy file
#verify correct input arguments: 1 or 2
if (len(sys.argv) > 2):
print "invalid number of arguments: " + str(len(sys.argv))
print "should be 2: '' and 'bagName'"
print "or just 1 : ''"
elif (len(sys.argv) == 2):
listOfBagFiles = [sys.argv[1]]
numberOfFiles = "1"
print "reading only 1 bagfile: " + str(listOfBagFiles[0])
elif (len(sys.argv) == 1):
listOfBagFiles = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if f[-4:] == ".bag"] #get list of only bag files in current dir.
numberOfFiles = str(len(listOfBagFiles))
print "reading all " + numberOfFiles + " bagfiles in current directory: \n"
for f in listOfBagFiles:
print f
print "\n press ctrl+c in the next 10 seconds to cancel \n"
print "bad argument(s): " + str(sys.argv) #shouldnt really come up
count = 0
for bagFile in listOfBagFiles:
count += 1
print "reading file " + str(count) + " of " + numberOfFiles + ": " + bagFile
#access bag
bag = rosbag.Bag(bagFile)
bagContents = bag.read_messages()
bagName = bag.filename
#create a new directory
folder = string.rstrip(bagName, ".bag")
try: #else already exists
shutil.copyfile(bagName, folder + '/' + bagName)
#get list of topics from the bag
listOfTopics = []
for topic, msg, t in bagContents:
if topic not in listOfTopics:
for topicName in listOfTopics:
#Create a new CSV file for each topic
filename = folder + '/' + string.replace(topicName, '/', '_slash_') + '.csv'
with open(filename, 'w+') as csvfile:
filewriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter = ',')
firstIteration = True #allows header row
for subtopic, msg, t in bag.read_messages(topicName): # for each instant in time that has data for topicName
#parse data from this instant, which is of the form of multiple lines of "Name: value\n"
# - put it in the form of a list of 2-element lists
msgString = str(msg)
msgList = string.split(msgString, '\n')
instantaneousListOfData = []
for nameValuePair in msgList:
splitPair = string.split(nameValuePair, ':')
for i in range(len(splitPair)): #should be 0 to 1
splitPair[i] = string.strip(splitPair[i])
#write the first row from the first element of each pair
if firstIteration: # header
headers = ["rosbagTimestamp"] #first column header
for pair in instantaneousListOfData:
firstIteration = False
# write the value from each pair to the file
values = [str(t)] #first column will have rosbag timestamp
for pair in instantaneousListOfData:
if len(pair) > 1:
print "Done reading all " + numberOfFiles + " bag files."
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