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Building New Dreams...

robonxt robonxt

Building New Dreams...
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robonxt / Installing the Pebble app on iOS with
Last active November 6, 2024 21:32
Installing the Pebble app on iOS with Sideloadly - Rebble (Now)Official Installation Guide by robonxt


Rebble have an official official guide based on this, so please follow their guide on their website at

Please direct your questions and suggestions to the helpful people in the official Rebble Discord Server

This guide is in maintenance mode. I am only keeping this guide up as a archive and for those who stumble upon it through old links.

Thank you for all the support, and long live Pebble and Rebble!

dmwyatt / remove_chrome_other_search_engines.js
Last active May 2, 2024 02:48
[Remove chrome "other search engines"] #chrome
// 1. open chrome://settings/searchEngines
// 2. press Ctrl-Shift-J to open console
// 3. paste the following code
// note: you may have to run it multiple times to get rid of all of them
// If you have search engines you want to use add the text "(KEEP)" to their name
// and by name i mean the "Search engine" field when you add/edit one of the search engines
.then(function (val) {