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Last active September 28, 2020 15:28
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Deriving of Functor instances via Applicative, and Functor & Applicative instances via Monad, using DerivingVia
module Deriving
( ApplicativeInstance(..)
, MonadInstance(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative (liftA, liftA2)
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM, liftM2)
-- | 'Functor' instances derivable via an 'Applicative' instance, for use with @-XDerivingVia@.
-- Define an 'Applicative' instance for your type @A@, and then add @deriving ('Functor') via 'ApplicativeInstance' A@. E.g.:
-- @
-- newtype Constant a b = Constant a
-- deriving (Functor) via ApplicativeInstance (Constant a)
-- instance Monoid a => Applicative (Constant a) where
-- pure _ = Constant mempty
-- Constant a <*> Constant b = Constant (a <> b)
-- @
-- NB:
-- 1. There is no 'Applicative' instance defined for 'ApplicativeInstance' itself to avoid accidentally deriving confusing circular definitions.
-- 2. If you are able to define a 'Monad' instance for your type, you may wish to consider using 'MonadInstance' instead.
-- 3. For many types, @-XDeriveFunctor@ may be just as convenient.
newtype ApplicativeInstance m a = ApplicativeInstance (m a)
instance Applicative m => Functor (ApplicativeInstance m) where
fmap f (ApplicativeInstance m) = ApplicativeInstance (liftA f m)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
a <$ ApplicativeInstance m = ApplicativeInstance (liftA (const a) m)
{-# INLINE (<$) #-}
-- | 'Functor' & 'Applicative' instances derivable via a 'Monad' instance, for use with @-XDerivingVia@.
-- Define a 'Monad' instance for your type @M@, and then add @deriving ('Functor', 'Applicative') via 'MonadInstance' M@. E.g.:
-- @
-- data Opt a = None | Some a
-- deriving (Functor, Applicative) via MonadInstance Opt
-- instance Monad Opt where
-- return = Some
-- None >>= _ = None
-- Some a >>= f = f a
-- @
-- NB:
-- 1. There is no 'Monad' instance defined for 'MonadInstance' itself to avoid accidentally deriving confusing circular definitions.
-- 2. Your 'Monad' instance /must/ define 'return'. This will trigger @-Wnoncanonical-monad-instances@ if that is enabled, so you may wish to disable that warning local to the module with an @OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-noncanonical-monad-instances@ pragma.
newtype MonadInstance m a = MonadInstance (m a)
instance Monad m => Functor (MonadInstance m) where
fmap f (MonadInstance m) = MonadInstance (liftM f m)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
a <$ MonadInstance m = MonadInstance (liftM (const a) m)
{-# INLINE (<$) #-}
instance Monad m => Applicative (MonadInstance m) where
pure = MonadInstance . return
{-# INLINE pure #-}
MonadInstance f <*> MonadInstance a = MonadInstance (ap f a)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
liftA2 f (MonadInstance ma) (MonadInstance mb) = MonadInstance $ liftM2 f ma mb
{-# INLINE liftA2 #-}
MonadInstance ma *> MonadInstance mb = MonadInstance $ ma >> mb
{-# INLINE (*>) #-}
MonadInstance ma <* MonadInstance mb = MonadInstance $ do { a <- ma ; _ <- mb ; return a }
{-# INLINE (<*) #-}
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