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Programming Language Checklist
by Colin McMillen, Jason Reed, and Elly Fong-Jones, 2011-10-10.
For the Dusa programming language,
You appear to be advocating a new:
[ ] functional [ ] imperative [ ] object-oriented [ ] procedural [ ] stack-based
[ ] "multi-paradigm" [ ] lazy [x] eager [ ] statically-typed [x] dynamically-typed
[x] pure [ ] impure [ ] non-hygienic [ ] visual [ ] beginner-friendly
[ ] non-programmer-friendly [x] completely incomprehensible
programming language. Your language will not work. Here is why it will not work.
You appear to believe that:
[ ] Syntax is what makes programming difficult
[x] Garbage collection is free [x] Computers have infinite memory
[x] Nobody really needs:
[x] concurrency [ ] a REPL [x] debugger support [x] IDE support [x] I/O
[x] to interact with code not written in your language
[ ] The entire world speaks 7-bit ASCII
[ ] Scaling up to large software projects will be easy
[x] Convincing programmers to adopt a new language will be easy
[ ] Convincing programmers to adopt a language-specific IDE will be easy
[x] Programmers love writing lots of boilerplate
[ ] Specifying behaviors as "undefined" means that programmers won't rely on them
[x] "Spooky action at a distance" makes programming more fun
Unfortunately, your language (has/lacks):
[-] comprehensible syntax [-] semicolons [-] significant whitespace [-] macros
[-] implicit type conversion [-] explicit casting [-] type inference
[-] goto [-] exceptions [-] closures [-] tail recursion [-] coroutines
[-] reflection [-] subtyping [-] multiple inheritance [-] operator overloading
[+] algebraic datatypes [+] recursive types [-] polymorphic types
[?] covariant array typing [-] monads [-] dependent types
[~] infix operators [-] nested comments [-] multi-line strings [-] regexes
[-] call-by-value [-] call-by-name [-] call-by-reference [-] call-cc
The following philosophical objections apply:
[ ] Programmers should not need to understand category theory to write "Hello, World!"
[ ] Programmers should not develop RSI from writing "Hello, World!"
[ ] The most significant program written in your language is its own compiler
[x] The most significant program written in your language isn't even its own compiler
[ ] No language spec
[ ] "The implementation is the spec"
[ ] The implementation is closed-source [ ] covered by patents [ ] not owned by you
[ ] Your type system is unsound [ ] Your language cannot be unambiguously parsed
[ ] a proof of same is attached
[ ] invoking this proof crashes the compiler
[ ] The name of your language makes it impossible to find on Google
[x] Interpreted languages will never be as fast as C
[ ] Compiled languages will never be "extensible"
[ ] Writing a compiler that understands English is AI-complete
[ ] Your language relies on an optimization which has never been shown possible
[ ] There are less than 100 programmers on Earth smart enough to use your language
[x] ___Boolean satisfiability___ takes exponential time
[ ] ____________________________ is known to be undecidable
Your implementation has the following flaws:
[ ] CPUs do not work that way
[ ] RAM does not work that way
[ ] VMs do not work that way
[ ] Compilers do not work that way
[ ] Compilers cannot work that way
[ ] Shift-reduce conflicts in parsing seem to be resolved using rand()
[x] You require the compiler to be present at runtime
[x] You require the language runtime to be present at compile-time
[ ] Your compiler errors are completely inscrutable
[ ] Dangerous behavior is only a warning
[ ] The compiler crashes if you look at it funny
[ ] The VM crashes if you look at it funny
[x] You don't seem to understand basic optimization techniques
[x] You don't seem to understand basic systems programming
[ ] You don't seem to understand pointers
[x] You don't seem to understand functions
Additionally, your marketing has the following problems:
[ ] Unsupported claims of increased productivity
[ ] Unsupported claims of greater "ease of use"
[ ] Obviously rigged benchmarks
[ ] Graphics, simulation, or crypto benchmarks where your code just calls
handwritten assembly through your FFI
[ ] String-processing benchmarks where you just call PCRE
[ ] Matrix-math benchmarks where you just call BLAS
[x] Noone really believes that your language is faster than:
[ ] assembly [ ] C [ ] FORTRAN [ ] Java [ ] Ruby [x] Prolog
[x] Rejection of orthodox programming-language theory without justification
[x] Rejection of orthodox systems programming without justification
[x] Rejection of orthodox algorithmic theory without justification
[x] Rejection of basic computer science without justification
Taking the wider ecosystem into account, I would like to note that:
[ ] Your complex sample code would be one line in: _______________________
[ ] We already have an unsafe imperative language
[ ] We already have a safe imperative OO language
[ ] We already have a safe statically-typed eager functional language
[ ] You have reinvented Lisp but worse
[ ] You have reinvented Javascript but worse
[ ] You have reinvented Java but worse
[ ] You have reinvented C++ but worse
[ ] You have reinvented PHP but worse
[ ] You have reinvented PHP better, but that's still no justification
[ ] You have reinvented Brainfuck but non-ironically
In conclusion, this is what I think of you:
[x] You have some interesting ideas, but this won't fly.
[ ] This is a bad language, and you should feel bad for inventing it.
[x] Programming in this language is an adequate punishment for inventing it.
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