This repository contains a docker-compose file which can be used to setup a demo of the M3 stack. It runs the following containers:
- M3DB
- M3Coordinator
- Prometheus
- Grafana
Start all the containers. Note that if you'd like to reuse the underlying storage between runs (I.E so that data and topology / namespaces are retained) then remove the --renew-anon-volumes
argument from the command below.
docker-compose up --renew-anon-volumes
Create the initial placement.
curl -X POST localhost:7201/api/v1/placement/init -d '{
"num_shards": 64,
"replication_factor": 1,
"instances": [
"id": "m3db_seed",
"isolation_group": "embedded",
"zone": "embedded",
"weight": 1024,
"endpoint": "m3db_seed:9000",
"hostname": "m3db_seed",
"port": 9000
}' | jq .
Create the unaggregated namespace to store the raw data.
curl -X POST localhost:7201/api/v1/namespace -d '{
"name": "raw_metrics",
"options": {
"bootstrapEnabled": true,
"flushEnabled": true,
"writesToCommitLog": true,
"cleanupEnabled": true,
"snapshotEnabled": true,
"repairEnabled": false,
"retentionOptions": {
"retentionPeriodDuration": "48h",
"blockSizeDuration": "2h",
"bufferFutureDuration": "5m",
"bufferPastDuration": "5m",
"blockDataExpiry": true,
"blockDataExpiryAfterNotAccessPeriodDuration": "5m"
"indexOptions": {
"enabled": true,
"blockSizeDuration": "2h"
}' | jq .
Create the aggregated namespace to store the aggregated data.
curl -X POST localhost:7201/api/v1/namespace -d '{
"name": "metrics_10s_168h",
"options": {
"bootstrapEnabled": true,
"flushEnabled": true,
"writesToCommitLog": true,
"cleanupEnabled": true,
"snapshotEnabled": true,
"repairEnabled": false,
"retentionOptions": {
"retentionPeriodDuration": "168h",
"blockSizeDuration": "24h",
"bufferFutureDuration": "5m",
"bufferPastDuration": "5m",
"blockDataExpiry": true,
"blockDataExpiryAfterNotAccessPeriodDuration": "5m"
"indexOptions": {
"enabled": true,
"blockSizeDuration": "24h"
}' | jq .
Navigate to http://localhost:3000
to open Grafana.
Add a new Graphite data source with the URL: http://m3coordinator01:7201/api/v1/graphite
Write data to the carbon ingestion port
(export now=$(date +%s) && echo " 10 $now" | nc 7204)
(export now=$(date +%s) && echo " 10 $now" | nc 7204)
Create a new panel to visualize the results with the following query: transformNull(stats.*.bar)
Add a new Prometheus data source with the URL: http://m3coordinator01:7201
Data is already being scraped by Prometheus and written to M3, so add a new panel and visualize it with this sample query which shows the rate at which M3DB is writing to its commitlog: sum(rate(commitlog_writes_success{}[30s]))