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Last active May 16, 2017 10:46
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A commentary on naive space hungry Haskell functions
consider this Haskell:
import Prelude hiding (sum,length)
mean_good :: [Int] -> Double
mean_good xs = go 0 0 xs
go !accum !denom [] =
fromIntegral accum / fromIntegral denom
go !accum !denom (!x:xs) =
go (accum+x) (denom+1) xs
sum xs = foldr (+) 0 xs
length xs = foldr (const (+1)) 0 xs
mean_naive :: [Int] -> Double
mean_naive xs = fromIntegral (sum xs)
/ fromIntegral (length xs)
Haskell reductions
mean_good [1,2,3]
=> go 0 0 xs
=> go 0 0 (1:xs)
=> go 1 1 (2:xs)
=> go 3 2 (3:xs)
=> go 6 3 []
=> 6 / 3
=> 2
-- accumulator then denominator
mean_naive [1,2,3]
=> sum xs / length xs
=> foldr (+) 0 xs / length xs
=> (1 + (foldr (+) 0 (2:ys))) / length xs
=> (1 + (2 + (foldr (+) 0 (3:ys))) / length xs
=> (1 + (2 + (3 (foldr (+) 0 [])))) / length xs
=> 6 / foldr (const (+1)) 0 (1:ys)
=> 6 / (1 + (foldr (const (+1)) 0 (2:ys)))
=> 6 / (1 + (1 + (foldr (const (+1)) 0 (3:ys))))
=> 6 / (1 + (1 + (1 + foldr (const (+1) 0 []))))
=> 6 / 3
=> 2
-- interleave the reduction of accumulator and denominator
mean_naive [1,2,3]
=> sum xs / length xs
=> foldr (+) 0 xs / length xs
=> (1 + (foldr (+) 0 (2:ys))) / length xs
=> (1 + (foldr (+) 0 (2:ys))) / foldr (const (+1)) 0 (1:zs)
=> -- GC the head of xs (before the tail [2,3] is manifested in the heap)
=> (1 + (2 + (foldr (+) 0 (3:ys))) / foldr (const (+1)) 0 (1:zs)
=> (1 + (2 + (foldr (+) 0 (3:ys))) / (1 + (foldr (const (+1)) 0 (2:ys)))
=> -- GC the head of `tail xs` (before the tail [3] is manifested in the heap)
=> (1 + (2 + (3 (foldr (+) 0 [])))) / (1 + (foldr (const (+1)) 0 (2:ys)))
=> (1 + (2 + (3 (foldr (+) 0 [])))) / (1 + (1 + (foldr (const (+1)) 0 (3:ys))))
=> (1 + (2 + (3 (foldr (+) 0 [])))) / (1 + (1 + (1 + foldr (const (+1) 0 []))))
=> 6 / (1 + (1 + (1 + foldr (const (+1) 0 []))))
=> 6 / 3
=> 2
Dataflow analysis
Can dataflow analysis help recover the bad space performance of mean_naive
back to the space performance of mean_good?
/---->| sum |-----\
| +-----+ | 10 +------+
[4,3,2,1] | \------>| | 2.5
----------+ | mean |------->
| /------>| |
| +--------+ | 4 +------+
\--->| length |---/
The rate at which `sum` and `length` consume the list is the same.
If `sum` consumes the list entirely before `length` consumes the same list,
then the list has to stay in the heap for this time. In the dataflow model,
this would equate the "depth" of the wire to carry [1,2,3,4] to `length` is 4.
The "depth" of a dataflow wire here would equate to the object size on the heap.
Dataflow analysis of `sum` and `length` would see that both functions consume
from their input and discard the head of the the input at the same rate. The
lazy population of their input wires could therefore result in the wire "depth"
for their inputs could be reduced to 1, eliminating the memory space cost of
`mean_naive` -- the space cost of `mean_naive`, when the dataflow wires have
depth=1, is constant regardless of the input list size.
-[1]-> sum (folded state=1)
-[1]-> length (folded state=1)
-[2]-> sum (folded state=3)
-[2]-> length (folded state=2)
-[3]-> sum (folded state=6)
-[3]-> length (folded state=3)
-[4]-> sum (folded state=10)
-[4]-> length (folded state=4)
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