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Rob Wierzbowski robwierzbowski

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robwierzbowski / App.jsx
Last active April 18, 2023 20:44
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
// returns the state of *all* features for current user
const fetchAllFeatures = () =>
// in reality, this would have been a `fetch` call:
// `fetch("/api/features/all")`
// Executes once
// console.log('fetch called');
robwierzbowski /
Created May 18, 2022 15:26
Convert Husky to Simple Git Hooks
rm -f .huskyrc.js
cat > .simple-git-hooks.js << EOF
const { simpleGitHooks } = require('@stitch-fix/kufak-fe-infra');
module.exports = simpleGitHooks;
"$schema": "",
"anyOf": [
"$ref": "#/definitions/{name:\"order\"|\"categories\"|\"exchange\"|\"freestyle\"|\"homefeed\"|\"post_checkout_promo\"|\"return\"|\"shopping_bag\"|\"storybook\";schema:\"screen_view\";locale:\"en-GB\"|\"en-US\";region:\"UK\"|\"US\";source_app:\"android\"|\"storybook\"|\"home-ui\"|\"kept-items-ui\"|\"shop-collections-ui\";}"
"$ref": "#/definitions/{name:\"buy_it_again_index\"|\"category\"|\"collections_index\"|\"kept_items_index\"|\"saved_items_index\";schema:\"category_screen_view\";locale:\"en-GB\"|\"en-US\";region:\"UK\"|\"US\";source_app:\"android\"|\"storybook\"|\"home-ui\"|\"kept-items-ui\"|\"shop-collections-ui\";category_id:string;}"
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Collector for v2 "atomic" events. This is currently a bare-minimum implementation
# for v2 event steel-threads. These events should not yet be used for any production
# data processing.
class Api::V2::EventsCollectorController < Api::ApiController
# Client-auth data is being used to add client-id to our event payloads
include StitchFix::ClientFacingAuth::ControllerHelpers
include StitchFix::Logger::Logging
version: 2.1
cache_key: &cache_key dependency-cache-{{ checksum "yarn.lock" }}
# Docker build environment images
build_env: &build_env
image: cimg/node:current-browsers
robwierzbowski /
Last active September 28, 2024 20:24
Configure yarn to use the npm registry directly
# Remove all settings in the .npmrc except the required auth token setting.
echo '//${NPM_TOKEN}' > .npmrc
# Create a new .yarnrc that specifies the npm registry, or append to an existing one.
echo 'registry:' >> .yarnrc
# Remove and regenerate the yarn.lock. This should be identical to running `yarn upgrade`.
# If you are uncomfortable regenerating the yarn.lock file, you can comment out the next
robwierzbowski / index.js
Last active November 15, 2017 16:52
No `sort()` anagram tester
// Takes two strings.
// Returns true if they're anagrams, false if not.
function isAnagram (a, b) {
const remove = (string, pattern) => string.replace(new RegExp(pattern, 'ig'), '');
// Discard whitespace; anagrams can be different numbers of words
let lettersA = remove(a, '\\s');
let lettersB = remove(b, '\\s');
robwierzbowski / additive.scss
Last active November 2, 2017 05:54
Example of additive styles
.userPreview {
border: solid $off-black;
&.--default {
border-width: 5px;
font-size: 1.5rem;
background: $light-gray;
&.--compact {
robwierzbowski / non-additive.scss
Last active November 2, 2017 05:53
Example of non-additive styes
.userPreview {
border: 5px solid $off-black;
font-size: 1.5rem;
background: $light-gray;
&.--compact {
border: 1px solid $off-black;
font-size: 1rem;
background: transparent;