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Created September 27, 2023 00:14
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kamal log
d622b2a6e45b# git ci
[main 9fd846e] Move github icon
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
d622b2a6e45b# bundle exec kamal deploy
INFO [6f51ddc7] Running /usr/bin/env mkdir -p .kamal on
INFO [6f51ddc7] Finished in 2.554 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
Acquiring the deploy lock...
Log into image registry...
INFO [4cbcab2b] Running docker login -u [REDACTED] -p [REDACTED] as root@localhost
INFO [4cbcab2b] Finished in 1.282 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [ad609811] Running docker login -u [REDACTED] -p [REDACTED] on
INFO [ad609811] Finished in 0.746 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
Build and push app image...
INFO [0ec8baa9] Running docker --version && docker buildx version as root@localhost
INFO [0ec8baa9] Finished in 0.077 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [184e75f1] Running docker buildx build --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --builder kamal-kamalify-multiarch -t -t --label service="kamalify" --file Dockerfile . as root@localhost
DEBUG [184e75f1] Command: docker buildx build --push --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 --builder kamal-kamalify-multiarch -t -t --label service="kamalify" --file Dockerfile .
DEBUG [184e75f1] #0 building with "kamal-kamalify-multiarch" instance using docker-container driver
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #1 [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #1 transferring dockerfile: 2.42kB done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #1 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #2 resolve image config for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #2 DONE 2.6s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #3 docker-image://
DEBUG [184e75f1] #3 resolve 0.0s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #3 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #4 [linux/amd64 internal] load metadata for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #4 ...
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #5 [linux/arm64 internal] load metadata for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #5 DONE 1.2s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #6 [internal] load .dockerignore
DEBUG [184e75f1] #6 transferring context: 751B done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #6 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #4 [linux/amd64 internal] load metadata for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #4 DONE 1.5s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #7 [linux/amd64 base 1/2] FROM
DEBUG [184e75f1] #7 resolve done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #7 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #8 [linux/arm64 base 1/2] FROM
DEBUG [184e75f1] #8 resolve 0.0s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #8 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #9 [internal] load build context
DEBUG [184e75f1] #9 transferring context: 14.44kB 0.1s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #9 DONE 0.1s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #10 [linux/amd64 base 2/2] WORKDIR /rails
DEBUG [184e75f1] #10 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #11 [linux/amd64 build 3/9] COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
DEBUG [184e75f1] #11 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #12 [linux/amd64 build 4/9] RUN bundle install && rm -rf ~/.bundle/ "/usr/local/bundle"/ruby/*/cache "/usr/local/bundle"/ruby/*/bundler/gems/*/.git && bundle exec bootsnap precompile --gemfile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #12 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #13 [linux/amd64 build 1/9] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential curl git libvips node-gyp pkg-config python-is-python3
DEBUG [184e75f1] #13 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #14 [linux/amd64 build 5/9] COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
DEBUG [184e75f1] #14 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #15 [linux/amd64 build 2/9] RUN curl -sL | tar xz -C /tmp/ && /tmp/node-build-master/bin/node-build "18.17.1" /usr/local/node && npm install -g [email protected] && rm -rf /tmp/node-build-master
DEBUG [184e75f1] #15 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #16 [linux/amd64 build 6/9] RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #16 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #17 [linux/arm64 build 3/9] COPY Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./
DEBUG [184e75f1] #17 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #18 [linux/arm64 base 2/2] WORKDIR /rails
DEBUG [184e75f1] #18 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #19 [linux/arm64 build 5/9] COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
DEBUG [184e75f1] #19 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #20 [linux/arm64 build 1/9] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential curl git libvips node-gyp pkg-config python-is-python3
DEBUG [184e75f1] #20 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #21 [linux/arm64 build 2/9] RUN curl -sL | tar xz -C /tmp/ && /tmp/node-build-master/bin/node-build "18.17.1" /usr/local/node && npm install -g [email protected] && rm -rf /tmp/node-build-master
DEBUG [184e75f1] #21 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #22 [linux/arm64 build 4/9] RUN bundle install && rm -rf ~/.bundle/ "/usr/local/bundle"/ruby/*/cache "/usr/local/bundle"/ruby/*/bundler/gems/*/.git && bundle exec bootsnap precompile --gemfile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #22 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #23 [linux/arm64 build 6/9] RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #23 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #24 [linux/amd64 build 7/9] COPY . .
DEBUG [184e75f1] #24 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #25 [linux/arm64 build 7/9] COPY . .
DEBUG [184e75f1] #25 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #26 [linux/arm64 build 8/9] RUN bundle exec bootsnap precompile app/ lib/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #26 DONE 0.3s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 [linux/arm64 build 9/9] RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE_DUMMY=1 ./bin/rails assets:precompile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 ...
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #28 [linux/amd64 build 8/9] RUN bundle exec bootsnap precompile app/ lib/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #28 DONE 0.7s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 [linux/arm64 build 9/9] RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE_DUMMY=1 ./bin/rails assets:precompile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.507 yarn install v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.537 [1/4] Resolving packages...
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.577 success Already up-to-date.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.581 Done in 0.08s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.678 yarn run v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.698 $ esbuild app/javascript/*.* --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=/assets
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.741
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.741 app/assets/builds/application.js 235.8kb
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.741 app/assets/builds/ 409.9kb
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.741
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.745 Done in 0.07s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.845 yarn install v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.877 [1/4] Resolving packages...
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.915 success Already up-to-date.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 0.919 Done in 0.08s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.015 yarn run v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.035 $ tailwindcss -i ./app/assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css -o ./app/assets/builds/application.css --minify
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.383
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.383 Rebuilding...
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.589
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.589 Done in 237ms.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.595 Done in 0.58s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.684 W, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.352179 #7] WARN -- : Removed sourceMappingURL comment for missing asset '/assets/' from /rails/app/assets/builds/application.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.821 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.489299 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.822 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.489573 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.822 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.489802 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/hero-4f5f414075c09883579aed665bd9f6f5a0e242c050011f34ccd859478dab9900.png
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.824 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.491569 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-50e9b0910ed944761f28587ac1b1057775177d6853463d7ee05a694cb9587d24.css
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.824 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.491664 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-50e9b0910ed944761f28587ac1b1057775177d6853463d7ee05a694cb9587d24.css.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.824 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.491715 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-9c30e486f83c4859c74ba5d20cd692d9c97aae0e572b9f65a64c599017b50089.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.824 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.491760 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-9c30e486f83c4859c74ba5d20cd692d9c97aae0e572b9f65a64c599017b50089.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498072 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498188 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498241 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo-4851a9a0b1d947e810dfd0448a72aef261d455183ebea681f4f28a73640a9ece.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498277 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo-4851a9a0b1d947e810dfd0448a72aef261d455183ebea681f4f28a73640a9ece.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498317 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo.min-f309baafa3ae5ad6ccee3e7362118b87678d792db8e8ab466c4fa284dd3a4700.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498353 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo.min-f309baafa3ae5ad6ccee3e7362118b87678d792db8e8ab466c4fa284dd3a4700.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.830 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498550 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.831 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.498943 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.831 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.499029 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actiontext-cd5df1a46c8d7cba7d349d21902404d2f38e60a476d0669148b02fa3aa8a2d5b.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.831 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.499072 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actiontext-cd5df1a46c8d7cba7d349d21902404d2f38e60a476d0669148b02fa3aa8a2d5b.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.833 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.500562 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-9d726c63bf503ba68adf3d1bea343c030494f01061abf524a4e743f686629201.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.833 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.500631 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-9d726c63bf503ba68adf3d1bea343c030494f01061abf524a4e743f686629201.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.833 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.500677 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-91ad87f30d9c53c7b05f534dc3c9994e4e90d50dff03a7222c1326f342f9c223.css
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.833 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.501493 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-91ad87f30d9c53c7b05f534dc3c9994e4e90d50dff03a7222c1326f342f9c223.css.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.833 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.501542 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-f75215805563870a61ee9dc5a207ce46d4675c7e667558a54344fd1e7baa697f.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.833 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.501580 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-f75215805563870a61ee9dc5a207ce46d4675c7e667558a54344fd1e7baa697f.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.834 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.501626 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-autoloader-c584942b568ba74879da31c7c3d51366737bacaf6fbae659383c0a5653685693.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.835 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.503514 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-autoloader-c584942b568ba74879da31c7c3d51366737bacaf6fbae659383c0a5653685693.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.836 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504524 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.836 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504574 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504614 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504645 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504683 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus.min-dd364f16ec9504dfb72672295637a1c8838773b01c0b441bd41008124c407894.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504712 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus.min-dd364f16ec9504dfb72672295637a1c8838773b01c0b441bd41008124c407894.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504750 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-autoloader-c584942b568ba74879da31c7c3d51366737bacaf6fbae659383c0a5653685693.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504780 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-autoloader-c584942b568ba74879da31c7c3d51366737bacaf6fbae659383c0a5653685693.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504814 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504840 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504874 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504900 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.504938 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505206 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505264 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage-210320b03bffc155ca1782c116437391c929c7c5b5c66ee4f4c7a826733070a1.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505295 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage-210320b03bffc155ca1782c116437391c929c7c5b5c66ee4f4c7a826733070a1.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505333 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage.esm-1e3c46a0710fa7f44a7ced2fc61af4416147823859c9e65b69cd8a91811e678e.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505361 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage.esm-1e3c46a0710fa7f44a7ced2fc61af4416147823859c9e65b69cd8a91811e678e.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505397 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable-b561134b2bfb0d095c5329001e894d6d433544b2a0f4276e0e50591afa62bb46.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505424 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable-b561134b2bfb0d095c5329001e894d6d433544b2a0f4276e0e50591afa62bb46.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505494 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable.esm-642a147cbb90e93c6f2bcaeeb817a4a263aa4f971a6d95795835270bd8519dfd.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 1.837 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:37.505527 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable.esm-642a147cbb90e93c6f2bcaeeb817a4a263aa4f971a6d95795835270bd8519dfd.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #27 DONE 1.9s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 [linux/amd64 build 9/9] RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE_DUMMY=1 ./bin/rails assets:precompile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 1.372 yarn install v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 1.446 [1/4] Resolving packages...
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 1.577 success Already up-to-date.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 1.584 Done in 0.22s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.031 yarn run v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.091 $ esbuild app/javascript/*.* --bundle --sourcemap --outdir=app/assets/builds --public-path=/assets
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 ...
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #30 [linux/arm64 stage-2 1/4] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y curl libsqlite3-0 libvips && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists /var/cache/apt/archives
DEBUG [184e75f1] #30 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #31 [linux/arm64 stage-2 2/4] COPY --from=build /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle
DEBUG [184e75f1] #31 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 [linux/amd64 build 9/9] RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE_DUMMY=1 ./bin/rails assets:precompile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.532
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.532 app/assets/builds/application.js 235.8kb
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.532 app/assets/builds/ 409.9kb
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.532
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 2.553 Done in 0.53s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 ...
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #32 [linux/arm64 stage-2 3/4] COPY --from=build /rails /rails
DEBUG [184e75f1] #32 DONE 0.6s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 [linux/amd64 build 9/9] RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE_DUMMY=1 ./bin/rails assets:precompile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 3.042 yarn install v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 3.107 [1/4] Resolving packages...
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 3.236 success Already up-to-date.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 ...
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #33 [linux/arm64 stage-2 4/4] RUN useradd rails --create-home --shell /bin/bash && chown -R rails:rails db log storage tmp
DEBUG [184e75f1] #33 DONE 0.4s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 [linux/amd64 build 9/9] RUN SECRET_KEY_BASE_DUMMY=1 ./bin/rails assets:precompile
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 3.243 Done in 0.21s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 3.744 yarn run v1.22.19
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 3.792 $ tailwindcss -i ./app/assets/stylesheets/application.tailwind.css -o ./app/assets/builds/application.css --minify
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 4.816
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 4.816 Rebuilding...
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.433
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.433 Done in 671ms.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.455 Done in 1.72s.
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.640 W, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.746953 #7] WARN -- : Removed sourceMappingURL comment for missing asset '/assets/' from /rails/app/assets/builds/application.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.734 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.840872 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.734 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.842122 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/manifest-b4bf6e57a53c2bdb55b8998cc94cd00883793c1c37c5e5aea3ef6749b4f6d92b.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.735 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.843421 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/hero-4f5f414075c09883579aed665bd9f6f5a0e242c050011f34ccd859478dab9900.png
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.739 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.846756 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-50e9b0910ed944761f28587ac1b1057775177d6853463d7ee05a694cb9587d24.css
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.740 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.847778 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-50e9b0910ed944761f28587ac1b1057775177d6853463d7ee05a694cb9587d24.css.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.740 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.848300 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-9c30e486f83c4859c74ba5d20cd692d9c97aae0e572b9f65a64c599017b50089.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.740 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.848556 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/application-9c30e486f83c4859c74ba5d20cd692d9c97aae0e572b9f65a64c599017b50089.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.740 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.848679 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.742 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.849820 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.742 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.850446 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo-4851a9a0b1d947e810dfd0448a72aef261d455183ebea681f4f28a73640a9ece.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.743 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.851035 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo-4851a9a0b1d947e810dfd0448a72aef261d455183ebea681f4f28a73640a9ece.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.744 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.852220 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo.min-f309baafa3ae5ad6ccee3e7362118b87678d792db8e8ab466c4fa284dd3a4700.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.744 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.852293 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/turbo.min-f309baafa3ae5ad6ccee3e7362118b87678d792db8e8ab466c4fa284dd3a4700.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.744 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.852374 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.744 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.852435 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.746 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.854150 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actiontext-cd5df1a46c8d7cba7d349d21902404d2f38e60a476d0669148b02fa3aa8a2d5b.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.746 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.854312 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actiontext-cd5df1a46c8d7cba7d349d21902404d2f38e60a476d0669148b02fa3aa8a2d5b.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.747 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.855261 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-9d726c63bf503ba68adf3d1bea343c030494f01061abf524a4e743f686629201.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.752 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.859868 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-9d726c63bf503ba68adf3d1bea343c030494f01061abf524a4e743f686629201.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.752 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.860084 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-91ad87f30d9c53c7b05f534dc3c9994e4e90d50dff03a7222c1326f342f9c223.css
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.752 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.860161 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/trix-91ad87f30d9c53c7b05f534dc3c9994e4e90d50dff03a7222c1326f342f9c223.css.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.752 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.860236 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-f75215805563870a61ee9dc5a207ce46d4675c7e667558a54344fd1e7baa697f.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.752 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.860295 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-f75215805563870a61ee9dc5a207ce46d4675c7e667558a54344fd1e7baa697f.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.752 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.860375 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-autoloader-c584942b568ba74879da31c7c3d51366737bacaf6fbae659383c0a5653685693.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.753 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.861485 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-autoloader-c584942b568ba74879da31c7c3d51366737bacaf6fbae659383c0a5653685693.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.754 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.862198 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.755 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.862544 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.756 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.864427 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.756 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.864582 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.759 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.866807 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus.min-dd364f16ec9504dfb72672295637a1c8838773b01c0b441bd41008124c407894.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.761 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.868907 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus.min-dd364f16ec9504dfb72672295637a1c8838773b01c0b441bd41008124c407894.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.764 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.872600 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-importmap-autoloader-db2076c783bf2dbee1226e2add52fef290b5d31b5bcd1edd999ac8a6dd31c44a.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.765 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.872790 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/stimulus-loading-3576ce92b149ad5d6959438c6f291e2426c86df3b874c525b30faad51b0d96b3.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.765 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.872910 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.765 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.872983 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.765 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.873062 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage-210320b03bffc155ca1782c116437391c929c7c5b5c66ee4f4c7a826733070a1.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.765 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.873118 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage-210320b03bffc155ca1782c116437391c929c7c5b5c66ee4f4c7a826733070a1.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.766 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.874154 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage.esm-1e3c46a0710fa7f44a7ced2fc61af4416147823859c9e65b69cd8a91811e678e.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.766 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.874239 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/activestorage.esm-1e3c46a0710fa7f44a7ced2fc61af4416147823859c9e65b69cd8a91811e678e.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.767 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.875222 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable-b561134b2bfb0d095c5329001e894d6d433544b2a0f4276e0e50591afa62bb46.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.768 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.876129 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable-b561134b2bfb0d095c5329001e894d6d433544b2a0f4276e0e50591afa62bb46.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.769 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.876988 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable.esm-642a147cbb90e93c6f2bcaeeb817a4a263aa4f971a6d95795835270bd8519dfd.js
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 5.770 I, [2023-09-27T00:07:41.877808 #7] INFO -- : Writing /rails/public/assets/actioncable.esm-642a147cbb90e93c6f2bcaeeb817a4a263aa4f971a6d95795835270bd8519dfd.js.gz
DEBUG [184e75f1] #29 DONE 5.8s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #34 [linux/amd64 stage-2 1/4] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y curl libsqlite3-0 libvips && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists /var/cache/apt/archives
DEBUG [184e75f1] #34 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #35 [linux/amd64 stage-2 2/4] COPY --from=build /usr/local/bundle /usr/local/bundle
DEBUG [184e75f1] #35 CACHED
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #36 [linux/amd64 stage-2 3/4] COPY --from=build /rails /rails
DEBUG [184e75f1] #36 DONE 0.6s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #37 [linux/amd64 stage-2 4/4] RUN useradd rails --create-home --shell /bin/bash && chown -R rails:rails db log storage tmp
DEBUG [184e75f1] #37 DONE 0.5s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting to image
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting layers
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting layers 2.3s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting manifest sha256:edd4ac838bb2cce2e1c72d147f223896f2a3409806cc9a027dfb867f43dc7106 done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting config sha256:7e60cd5380c39c33f649fdff8b0904eae9bc7abdfe8b97993912e9895271d5ab done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting attestation manifest sha256:d87c30b7972f30009577a67b7bbe2a029d75a00c7bab8ce6089996343dd29c56 done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting manifest sha256:a5ce96a0a697ff430f6265bd2ba43e4a06d405627872f0d94ab8ce16ab136a49 done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting config sha256:8811d407639d6f2b19aa54110dc5e4f2b2b2b35837d79199833c316177153cb1 done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting attestation manifest sha256:20de8a469a42b0c14ed63b006ff4df08418fc0a240ee173c07870ad5e76f7515 done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting manifest list sha256:8c143877d867ac5af0ab5756b0fc321949c4598159f0f8eec11a9a99e3d0b9c1 done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing layers
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 ...
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #39 [auth] robzolkos/kamalify:pull,push token for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #39 DONE 0.0s
DEBUG [184e75f1]
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 exporting to image
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing layers 34.4s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing manifest for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing manifest for 1.7s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing layers 1.0s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing manifest for
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 pushing manifest for 0.6s done
DEBUG [184e75f1] #38 DONE 40.1s
INFO [184e75f1] Finished in 53.029 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [3b934ea2] Running docker image rm --force on
INFO [3b934ea2] Finished in 0.332 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [161d4074] Running docker pull on
INFO [161d4074] Finished in 8.657 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [0f1f0ccb] Running docker inspect -f '{{ .Config.Labels.service }}' | grep -x kamalify || (echo "Image is missing the `service` label" && exit 1) on
INFO [0f1f0ccb] Finished in 0.360 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
Ensure Traefik is running...
INFO [7b2f5cea] Running docker login -u [REDACTED] -p [REDACTED] on
INFO [7b2f5cea] Finished in 0.815 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [3f9439f5] Running docker container start traefik || docker run --name traefik --detach --restart unless-stopped --publish 80:80 --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --env-file .kamal/env/traefik/traefik.env --log-opt max-size="10m" traefik:v2.9 --providers.docker --log.level="DEBUG" on
INFO [3f9439f5] Finished in 0.304 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
Ensure app can pass healthcheck...
INFO [b15c2ae4] Running docker run --detach --name healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39 --publish 3999:3000 --label service=healthcheck-kamalify -e KAMAL_CONTAINER_NAME="healthcheck-kamalify" --env-file .kamal/env/roles/kamalify-web.env --health-cmd "curl -f http://localhost:3000/up || exit 1" --health-interval "1s" --volume storage:/rails/storage on
INFO [b15c2ae4] Finished in 8.287 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [b741a657] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [b741a657] Finished in 2.381 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (starting), retrying in 1s (attempt 1/7)...
INFO [325d3a83] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [325d3a83] Finished in 2.019 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (starting), retrying in 2s (attempt 2/7)...
INFO [e3113d6b] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [e3113d6b] Finished in 68.880 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (unhealthy), retrying in 3s (attempt 3/7)...
INFO [2d09c811] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [2d09c811] Finished in 0.674 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (unhealthy), retrying in 4s (attempt 4/7)...
INFO [207df563] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [207df563] Finished in 0.426 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (unhealthy), retrying in 5s (attempt 5/7)...
INFO [f21738c2] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [f21738c2] Finished in 0.537 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (unhealthy), retrying in 6s (attempt 6/7)...
INFO [cae3cb91] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [cae3cb91] Finished in 2.571 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO container not ready (unhealthy), retrying in 7s (attempt 7/7)...
INFO [b8198ee0] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker inspect --format '{{if .State.Health}}{{.State.Health.Status}}{{else}}{{.State.Status}}{{end}}' on
INFO [b8198ee0] Finished in 0.529 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [df40f913] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker logs --tail 50 2>&1 on
INFO [df40f913] Finished in 0.265 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
ERROR W, [2023-09-27T00:10:04.364178 #7] WARN -- : You are running SQLite in production, this is generally not recommended. You can disable this warning by setting "config.active_record.sqlite3_production_warning=false".
=> Booting Puma
=> Rails 7.1.0.beta1 application starting in production
=> Run `bin/rails server --help` for more startup options
W, [2023-09-27T00:10:11.652510 #1] WARN -- : You are running SQLite in production, this is generally not recommended. You can disable this warning by setting "config.active_record.sqlite3_production_warning=false".
Puma starting in single mode...
* Puma version: 6.4.0 (ruby 3.2.2-p53) ("The Eagle of Durango")
* Min threads: 5
* Max threads: 5
* Environment: production
* PID: 1
* Listening on
Use Ctrl-C to stop
I, [2023-09-27T00:10:13.899859 #1] INFO -- : [801e1379-a3c5-400c-8cc5-ae9966bfc5bf] Started GET "/up" for at 2023-09-27 00:10:13 +0000
I, [2023-09-27T00:10:13.910082 #1] INFO -- : [801e1379-a3c5-400c-8cc5-ae9966bfc5bf] Processing by Rails::HealthController#show as */*
I, [2023-09-27T00:10:13.913926 #1] INFO -- : [801e1379-a3c5-400c-8cc5-ae9966bfc5bf] Completed 200 OK in 2ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 660)
I, [2023-09-27T00:10:15.837019 #1] INFO -- : [011eda72-9bc5-45cc-8a43-6d7565893c18] Started GET "/up" for at 2023-09-27 00:10:15 +0000
I, [2023-09-27T00:10:15.842297 #1] INFO -- : [011eda72-9bc5-45cc-8a43-6d7565893c18] Processing by Rails::HealthController#show as */*
I, [2023-09-27T00:10:15.843247 #1] INFO -- : [011eda72-9bc5-45cc-8a43-6d7565893c18] Completed 200 OK in 1ms (Views: 0.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 114)
"Status": "unhealthy",
"FailingStreak": 0,
"Log": [
"Start": "2023-09-27T00:10:07.969806787Z",
"End": "2023-09-27T00:10:08.525218328Z",
"ExitCode": 1,
"Output": " % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\ncurl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 3000 after 8 ms: Couldn't connect to server\n"
"Start": "2023-09-27T00:10:09.555999359Z",
"End": "2023-09-27T00:10:10.560942205Z",
"ExitCode": 1,
"Output": " % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\ncurl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 3000 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server\n"
"Start": "2023-09-27T00:10:11.616801711Z",
"End": "2023-09-27T00:10:12.242938408Z",
"ExitCode": 1,
"Output": " % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\ncurl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 3000 after 5 ms: Couldn't connect to server\n"
"Start": "2023-09-27T00:10:13.267008071Z",
"End": "2023-09-27T00:10:13.939878564Z",
"ExitCode": 0,
"Output": " % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\r100 58 100 58 0 0 893 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 906\n<html><body style=\"background-color: green\"></body></html>"
"Start": "2023-09-27T00:10:14.951676733Z",
"End": "2023-09-27T00:10:16.033674339Z",
"ExitCode": 0,
"Output": " % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current\n Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed\n\r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0\r100 58 100 <html><body style=\"background-color: green\"></body></html> 58 0 0 1776 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1812\n"
INFO [1bfe5ecd] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker stop on
INFO [1bfe5ecd] Finished in 0.172 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
INFO [0b566a9f] Running docker container ls --all --filter name=^healthcheck-kamalify-9fd846eaf058098792cc7b7ce699d533cfa76e39$ --quiet | xargs docker container rm on
INFO [0b566a9f] Finished in 0.216 seconds with exit status 0 (successful).
Releasing the deploy lock...
Finished all in 183.8 seconds
ERROR (Kamal::Cli::Healthcheck::Poller::HealthcheckError): Exception while executing on host container not ready (unhealthy)
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