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Forked from dougo-chris/gist:1992666
Created July 23, 2012 10:45
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remote file uploads
%form#uploadAsset{"accept-charset" => "UTF-8", :action => "/admin/assets", "data-remote" => "true", :enctype => "multipart/form-data", :method => "post"}
%div{:style => "margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"}
%input{:name => "utf8", :type => "hidden", :value => "✓"}/
%input{:name => "authenticity_token", :type => "hidden", :value => ""}/
Your Asset
%em (jpg jpeg gif png)
%input.file#image{:name => "asset[image]", :type => "file"}/
%a.btn.btn-success#save Upload Asset
class ChallengeLogicAdmin.View.AssetIndex extends Bx.View.Base
template: JST["admin/template/asset/index"]
'change input[type=file]': 'evtFileChange'
'click a#save': 'evtAssetUpload'
evtFileChange: (e) ->
e? && e.preventDefault()
e? && e.stopPropagation()
evtAssetUpload: (e) ->
e? && e.preventDefault()
e? && e.stopPropagation()
if @$('input[type=file]').val() == ""
Bx.Pool.Model.get('alert').set({importance: 'error', message: 'File Required'})
render: ->
@$('#uploadAsset').live 'ajax:before', () =>
@uploading = true
return true
@$('#uploadAsset').live 'ajax:complete', (event, response) =>
@uploading = false
@$('#assetLabel').addClass('hint').removeClass('hinted').html('Your Asset')
return true
token = $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
return this
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