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Created November 21, 2024 01:06
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See Rails parallel test speed with various cores
# Get the number of CPU cores available
# Set the test seed to ensure the tests are deterministic
seed=$(ruby -e 'puts Random.new_seed')
# Create a temporary file to store the results
# Print table headers
echo -e "Cores\tTime (seconds)" > $output_file
# Loop through core counts from 1 to the number of cores
for (( cores=1; cores<=$num_cores; cores++ ))
echo "Running tests with $cores core(s)..."
# Run the tests with the specified number of cores and capture the time
start_time=$(date +%s)
PARALLEL_WORKERS=$cores SEED=$seed rails test
end_time=$(date +%s)
elapsed_time=$((end_time - start_time))
# Output the result in the table format
echo -e "$cores\t$elapsed_time" >> $output_file
# Display the results
echo "Test results saved to $output_file"
cat $output_file
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