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Last active August 2, 2017 04:10
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  • Save rochacbruno/555464f3708cff87d48782ee780b7fe0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rochacbruno/555464f3708cff87d48782ee780b7fe0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
F12 to open anything

Use F12 to toggle visibility of any app, not only guake|yaquake

Save the in your home directory

$ chmod +x

go to XFCE -> settings -> Keyboard -> Application shortcuts (or equivalent in your window manager)

Set a new Shortcut for e.g terminator:

Command                                  Shortcut
~/ terminator        F12

Save and now when you press F12 you toggle terminator visibility, you can use the script for any application and combination of shortcuts.

#The purpose of this script is to allow the user to toggle the visibility of (almost) any window.
#Please note it will work on the first match, so if there are multiple instances of an application it would be a random window of them the one to be affected.
#Usually it will control the window with the smallest PID.
#Checking that all dependencies are met, since we cannot proceed without them.
declare -a DEPENDENCIES=("xdotool" "wmctrl");
declare -a MANAGERS=("dnf" "apt-get");
echo -n "Checking if $DEPENDENCY is available";
if hash $DEPENDENCY 2>/dev/null; then
echo "- OK, Found";
echo "- ERROR, Not Found in $PATH";
for MANAGER in ${MANAGERS[@]}; do
if hash $MANAGER 2>/dev/null; then
echo -n "$DEPENDENCY is missing, would you like to try and install it via $MANAGER now? [Y/N] (default is Y): ";
read ANSWER;
if [[ "$ANSWER" == "Y" || "$ANSWER" == "y" || "$ANSWER" == "" ]]; then
sudo "$MANAGER" install "$DEPENDENCY";
echo "Terminating";
exit -1;
#Checking if the application name provided by the user exists
if ! hash $APPLICATION 2>/dev/null; then
echo -e "$APPLICATION does not seem to be a valid executable\nTerminating";
exit -2;
#Checking if the application is running. We are using pgrep as various application are python scripts and we will not be able to find them using pidof. pgrep will look through the currently running processes and list the process IDs of all the processes that are called $APPLICATION.
PID=$(pgrep --exact $APPLICATION | head -n 1);
#If the application is not running, we will try to launch it.
if [ -z $PID ]; then
echo "$APPLICATION not running, launching it..";
#Since the application has a live instance, we can proceed with the rest of the code.
#We will get the PID of the application that is currently focused, if it is not the application we passed as parameter we will change the focus to that. In the other case, we will minimize the application.
echo -n "$APPLICATION instance found - ";
FOCUSED=$(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowpid);
if [[ $PID == $FOCUSED ]]; then
echo "It was focused so we are minimizing it";
#We minimize the active window which we know in this case that it is the application we passed as parameter.
xdotool getactivewindow windowminimize;
echo "We are setting the focus on it";
#We set the focus to the application we passed as parameter. If it is minimized it will be raised as well.
wmctrl -x -R $APPLICATION;
exit 0
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