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Last active April 8, 2022 03:29
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Defining a key-function-based equality interface over the top of `gen:equal+hash`.
#lang racket
; This code is in service of @countvajhula's Rhombus equality RRFI at
; and parts of it should probably be copied into the proof of concept in that
; repo.
(require racket/generic)
(require rackunit)
; Here's an mplementation of a `gen:comparable` interface for values whose
; `equal?` behavior compares them by extracting a key in a memoized way:
(define (make-memoizer func)
(define semaphore (make-semaphore 1))
(define results (make-ephemeron-hasheq))
(lambda (arg)
; First, we try to get the memoized result without locking.
(hash-ref results arg
; If that didn't work, we lock.
(call-with-semaphore semaphore
; Now, we try again to get the memoized result just in case it
; showed up while we were waiting for the lock. If it didn't, we
; compute it ourselves and store it for future use.
(hash-ref! results arg (thunk (func arg)))))))))
; We define an underlying `prop:proto-comparable` to serve as an implementation
; detail for `gen:comparable`. This way, we can use a guard procedure to
; generate a type tag we need for `equal-hash-code`, and we can bar users from
; directly calling the `gen:comparable` `comparable-key` method to spy on an
; opaque comparable value's implementation details.
(prop:proto-comparable proto-comparable? proto-comparable-ref)
(make-struct-type-property/generic 'proto-comparable
(lambda (get-key info)
; We construct a type tag. We don't have access to the structure type
; property descriptor at this point, so we just create a gensym.
(define struct-name (car info))
(define type-tag (gensym struct-name))
; We then update the key function so that it bundles the type tag with the
; key. This way, different types which use the same key representation can
; still have different `equal-hash-code` and `equal-secondary-hash-code`
; results.
(lambda (value)
(list type-tag (get-key value))))
#:methods gen:equal+hash
(define (equal-proc a b recur)
(proto-comparable-memoize-key-chain a)
(proto-comparable-memoize-key-chain b)))
(define (hash-proc v recur)
(recur (proto-comparable-memoize-key-chain v)))
(define (hash2-proc v recur)
(recur (proto-comparable-memoize-key-chain v)))
(define (proto-comparable-compute-key-chain comparable)
((proto-comparable-ref comparable) comparable))
(define proto-comparable-memoize-key-chain
(make-memoizer proto-comparable-compute-key-chain))
(define-generics comparable
(comparable-key comparable)
(define (comparable-key comparable)
(error 'comparable-key "can't invoke directly"))])
; Note that this use of `comparable-key` bypasses `#:fast-defaults` and uses
; the user's method implementation directly. This allows us to export the
; method `comparable-key` so that users can write implementations of it
; without weird scoping quirks, while disallowing users from calling
; `comparable-key` themselves.
#:derive-property prop:proto-comparable comparable-key)
; Here's a demonstration:
(struct orderless-keyed-pair (first-key first-val second-key second-val)
#:methods gen:comparable
(define (comparable-key comparable)
(orderless-keyed-pair first-key first-val second-key second-val)
(hash first-key first-val second-key second-val))
; This is exactly the same type definition again, just with a different name.
(struct orderless-keyed-pair-2 (first-key first-val second-key second-val)
#:methods gen:comparable
(define (comparable-key comparable)
(orderless-keyed-pair-2 first-key first-val second-key second-val)
(hash first-key first-val second-key second-val))
(orderless-keyed-pair 'a 1 'b 2)
(orderless-keyed-pair 'b 2 'a 1)
"Two `comparable?` values compare according to the comparison on their keys.")
(orderless-keyed-pair 'a 1 'b 2)
(orderless-keyed-pair 'b 3 'a 1)
"Two `comparable?` values are sometimes not equal.")
(orderless-keyed-pair 'a 1 'b 2)
(orderless-keyed-pair-2 'b 2 'a 1)
"Values which differ only in terms of which of two identically defined `comparable?` types they're instances of are nevertheless distinct.")
(equal-hash-code (orderless-keyed-pair 'a 1 'b 2))
(equal-hash-code (orderless-keyed-pair-2 'b 2 'a 1))
"Values which differ only in terms of which of two identically defined `comparable?` types they're instances of are nevertheless distinct, even at the hash code level.")
(check-exn exn:fail?
(comparable-key (orderless-keyed-pair 'a 1 'b 2)))
"A user of a comparable value can't spy on its key.")
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