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Created May 6, 2011 18:49
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# 110506
# reposado clone manifest
# pythonversion comes from a custom fact which should be instaled via factsync
case $pythonversion {
/2.6/: {
# will this test actually succeed?
include reposado_install
default: {
# what's a good default behavior here?
notice("check again")
# Class: reposado_install
class reposado_install {
# we need somewhere to put this stuff
file { "/usr/local/reposado":
ensure => directory,
# and we need the latest pull from git
vcsrepo { "/usr/local/reposado":
ensure => present,
provider => git,
source => "",
require => File["/usr/local/reposado"],
# safety to ensure the commands are executable; they might be by default
exec { "make_reposado_executable":
command => "/bin/chmod +x /usr/local/reposado/code/repoutil /usr/local/reposado/code/repo_sync",
require => Vcsrepo["/usr/local/reposado"],
#require => File["/usr/local/reposado/code/repo_sync","/usr/local/reposado/code/repoutil"],
refreshonly => true,
# add cron job to check at 2 am
# not sure if the cron type will take a 'require'
cron { "reposync":
command => "/usr/local/reposado/code/repo_sync",
user => root,
hour => 2,
ensure => present,
require => File["/usr/local/reposado/code/preferences.plist"],
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