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Last active December 12, 2019 02:27
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  • Save rodaine/d627e4b67285eb5aaa72f3df2b344ad2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Code snippets for my blog post "The X-Files: Avoiding Concurrency Boilerplate with"
BenchmarkMutexCache/10-8 10000000 180 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/100-8 10000000 187 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/1000-8 10000000 214 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/10000-8 10000000 231 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/100000-8 5000000 254 ns/op 2 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/1000000-8 1000000 1159 ns/op 102 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/10000000-8 1000000 1481 ns/op 184 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkMutexCache/100000000-8 1000000 1655 ns/op 187 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/10-8 5000000 221 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/100-8 10000000 235 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/1000-8 10000000 235 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/10000-8 10000000 246 ns/op 0 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/100000-8 5000000 264 ns/op 5 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/1000000-8 1000000 1378 ns/op 146 B/op 3 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/10000000-8 1000000 1939 ns/op 237 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkSyncMapCache/100000000-8 1000000 2090 ns/op 241 B/op 6 allocs/op
// Debounce wraps e, preventing duplicate NamedActions from running
// concurrently, even from separate calls to Execute.
func Debounce(e Executor) Executor {
return debouncer{
ex: e,
sf: new(singleflight.Group),
type debouncer struct {
ex Executor
sf *singleflight.Group
// Execute attaches a singleflight.Group to any NamedActions, effectively debouncing
// identical Actions if ran concurrently.
func (d debouncer) Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error {
wrapped := make([]Action, len(actions))
for i, a := range actions {
if na, ok := a.(NamedAction); ok {
// compose the NamedAction with the singleflight.Group
wrapped[i] = debouncedAction{
NamedAction: na,
sf: d.sf,
} else {
// otherwise, pass it through untouched
wrapped[i] = actions[i]
// delegate wrapped Actions to decorated Executor
return d.ex.Execute(ctx, wrapped)
type debouncedAction struct {
sf *singleflight.Group
func (da debouncedAction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
// map the composed Action's Execute function with the expected signature
// for singleflight.Group.Do.
fn := func() (interface{}, error) {
return nil, da.NamedAction.Execute(ctx)
_, err, _ := da.sf.Do(da.ID(), fn)
return err
// An Action performs a single arbitrary task.
type Action interface {
// Execute performs the work of an Action. This method should make a best
// effort to be cancelled if the provided ctx is cancelled.
Execute(ctx context.Context) error
// An Executor performs a set of Actions. It is up to the implementing type
// to define the concurrency and open/closed failure behavior of the actions.
type Executor interface {
// Execute performs all provided actions by calling their Execute method.
// This method should make a best-effort to cancel outstanding actions if the
// provided ctx is cancelled.
Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error
// ActionFunc permits using a standalone function as an Action.
type ActionFunc func(context.Context) error
// Execute satisfies the Action interface, delegating the call to the
// underlying function.
func (fn ActionFunc) Execute(ctx context.Context) error { return fn(ctx) }
type flow struct {
maxActions int64
actions *semaphore.Weighted
calls *semaphore.Weighted
ex Executor
// ControlFlow decorates an Executor, limiting it to a maximum concurrent
// number of calls and actions.
func ControlFlow(e Executor, maxCalls, maxActions int64) Executor {
return &flow{
maxActions: maxActions,
calls: semaphore.NewWeighted(maxCalls),
actions: semaphore.NewWeighted(maxActions),
ex: e,
// Execute attempts to acquire the semaphores for the concurrent calls and
// actions before delegating to the decorated Executor. If Execute is called
// with more actions than maxActions, an error is returned.
func (f *flow) Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error {
qty := int64(len(actions))
if qty > f.maxActions {
return fmt.Errorf("maximum %d actions allowed", f.maxActions)
// limit concurrent calls to Executor.Execute
if err := f.calls.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
return err
defer f.calls.Release(1)
// limit total in-flight Actions, independent of Execute calls
if err := f.actions.Acquire(ctx, qty); err != nil {
return err
defer f.actions.Release(qty)
// delegate Actions to decorated Executor
return f.ex.Execute(ctx, actions)
type metrics struct {
ex Executor
stats statCache
// Execute emits latency, success, and error metrics for every action delegated to the
// decorated Executor. For NamedActions, additional name-scoped stats are also emitted.
func (m *metrics) Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error {
wrapped := make([]Action, len(actions))
global := m.stats.get("all_actions")
for i, a := range actions {
if na, ok := a.(NamedAction); ok {
// composed the NamedAction with global and name-scoped stats
wrapped[i] = namedStatAction{
NamedAction: na,
global: global,
stats: m.stats.get(na.ID()),
} else {
// otherwise, just compose with global stats
wrapped[i] = statAction{
Action: a,
global: global,
// delegate wrapped Actions to decorated Executor
return m.ex.Execute(ctx, wrapped)
type namedStatAction struct {
global *statSet
stats *statSet
func (a namedStatAction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
return captureMetrics(ctx, a.NamedAction,, a.stats)
type statAction struct {
global *statSet
func (a statAction) Execute(ctx context.Context) error {
return captureMetrics(ctx, a.Action,, nil)
func captureMetrics(ctx context.Context, a Action, global, stats *statSet) error {
// execute the action, timing its latency
start := time.Now()
err := a.Execute(ctx)
lat := time.Now().Sub(start)
// create our counter values for error/success
var errored, succeeded int
if err != nil {
errored = 1
} else {
succeeded = 1
// emit the global stats
// if there are name-scoped stats, emit those, too
if stats != nil {
return err
// A NamedAction describes an Action that also has a unique identifier. This
// interface is used by the Debounce Executor to prevent duplicate actions from
// running concurrently.
type NamedAction interface {
// ID returns the name for this Action. Identical actions
// should return the same ID value.
ID() string
type namedAction struct {
name string
func (a namedAction) ID() string { return }
// Named creates a NamedAction from fn, with n as its name. This function is
// just a helper to simplify creating NamedActions.
func Named(n string, fn ActionFunc) NamedAction {
return namedAction{
ActionFunc: fn,
name: n,
// Parallel is a concurrent implementation of Executor
type Parallel struct{}
// Execute performs all provided actions in concurrently, failing closed on the
// first error or if ctx is cancelled.
func (p Parallel) Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error {
grp, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, a := range actions {
grp.Go(p.execFn(ctx, a))
return grp.Wait()
// execFn binds the Context and Action to the proper function signature for the
// errgroup.Group.
func (p Parallel) execFn(ctx context.Context, a Action) func() error {
return func() error { return a.Execute(ctx) }
type pool struct {
done <-chan struct{}
in chan poolAction
// Pool creates an Executor backed by a concurrent worker pool. Up to n Actions
// can be in-flight simultaneously; if n is less than or equal to zero,
// runtime.NumCPU is used. The done channel should be closed to release
// resources held by the Executor.
func Pool(n int, done <-chan struct{}) Executor {
if n <= 0 {
n = runtime.NumCPU()
p := pool{done: done, in: make(chan poolAction, n)}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
go, p.done)
return p
// Execute enqueues all Actions on the worker pool, failing closed on the
// first error or if ctx is cancelled. This method blocks until all enqueued
// Actions have returned. In the event of an error, not all Actions may be
// executed.
func (p pool) Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error {
qty := len(actions)
if qty == 0 {
return nil
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
res := make(chan error, qty)
var err error
var queued uint64
for _, action := range actions {
pa := poolAction{ctx: ctx, act: action, res: res}
select {
case <-p.done: // pool is closed
return errors.New("pool is closed")
case <-ctx.Done(): // ctx is closed by caller
err = ctx.Err()
break enqueue
case <- pa: // enqueue action
for ; queued > 0; queued-- {
if r := <-res; r != nil {
if err == nil {
err = r
return err
func (p pool) work(in <-chan poolAction, done <-chan struct{}) {
for {
select {
case <-done:
case a := <-in:
a.res <- a.act.Execute(a.ctx)
type poolAction struct {
ctx context.Context
act Action
res chan<- error
// Sequential implements Executor, performing each Action in series
type Sequential struct{}
// Execute performs each action in order, exiting on the first error or if the
// context is cancelled/deadlined.
func (Sequential) Execute(ctx context.Context, actions []Action) error {
for _, a := range actions {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if err := a.Execute(ctx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// StatSource creates metrics with the given name. The returned metrics should be
// concurrency-safe.
type StatSource interface {
Timer(name string) Timer
Counter(name string) Counter
// Timer emits the duration of a particular event. The duration value is
// typically used to measure latencies and create histograms thereof.
type Timer func(duration time.Duration)
// Counter emits any number of events happening at a given time. For example,
// Counters are often used to measure RPS.
type Counter func(delta int)
// A StatSet is the cached value.
type statSet struct {
// Latency measures how long an Action takes
Latency Timer
// Success is incremented when an Action does not return an error
Success Counter
// Error is incremented when an Action results in an error
Error Counter
// Cache describes a read-through cache to obtain
type statCache interface {
// get returns a shared statSet for the given name, either from the cache or
// a provided StatSource.
get(name string) *statSet
// mutexCache implements statCache, backed by a map and sync.RWMutex
type mutexCache struct {
src StatSource
mtx sync.RWMutex
lookup map[string]*statSet
func (mc *mutexCache) get(name string) *statSet {
// take a read lock to see if the set already exists
set, ok := mc.lookup[name]
if ok { // the set exists, return it
return set
// need to take a write lock to update the map
// While waiting for the write lock, another goroutine may have created the
// set. Here, we check again after obtaining the lock before making a new one
if set, ok = mc.lookup[name]; !ok {
set = newStatSet(mc.src, name)
mc.lookup[name] = set
return set
// syncMapCache implements statCache, backed by a sync.Map
type syncMapCache struct {
src StatSource
lookup sync.Map
func (smc *syncMapCache) get(name string) *statSet {
val, _ := smc.lookup.Load(name)
if set, ok := val.(*statSet); ok {
return set
// create a new statSet, but don't store it if one was added since the last
// load. This is not ideal since we can't atomically create the set and
// write it.
set, _ := smc.lookup.LoadOrStore(name, newStatSet(smc.src, name))
return set.(*statSet)
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