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Batched iterator for Magento collections
// This is how you would use it. Pass in your collection
// along with an individual callback as well as a batch callback
array($this, 'batchIndividual'),
array($this, 'batchAfter'),
public function batchIndividual($model)
// Do stuff with the $model
public function memberBatchAfter()
// Do stuff with the batch. For example if you're preparing a
// batch of records to pipe up to an API, here's where you
// do that.
* Batched Iterator
class ST_Core_Model_Resource_Iterator_Batched extends Varien_Object
* @param $collection Varien_Data_Collection
* @param array $callback
public function walk($collection, array $callbackForIndividual, array $callbackAfterBatch, $batchSize = null)
if (!$batchSize) {
$batchSize = self::DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
$currentPage = 1;
$pages = $collection->getLastPageNumber();
do {
foreach ($collection as $item) {
call_user_func($callbackForIndividual, $item);
} while ($currentPage <= $pages);
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