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Last active May 28, 2017 11:48
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Cheatsheet for Vietnamese Telex Keyboard Input. Can be added to Alfred for Mac.
  1. install cheatset: sudo gem install cheatset --no-ri --no-rdoc
  2. compile file: cheatset generate telex.rb
cheatsheet do
title 'Telex Vietnamese Input' # Will be displayed by Dash in the docset list
docset_file_name 'Telex Vietnamese' # Used for the filename of the docset
keyword 'keyboard' # Used as the initial search keyword (listed in Preferences > Docsets)
# resources 'resources_dir' # An optional resources folder which can contain images or anything else
introduction 'How to use Telex Vietnamese input?' # Optional, can contain Markdown or HTML
# A cheat sheet must consist of categories
category do
id 'Keyboard'
entry do
command 's'
name 'á, é, ó, ú, í'
notes 'as becomes á'
entry do
command 'f'
name 'à, è, ò, ù, ì'
notes 'af becomes à'
entry do
command 'r'
name 'ả, ẻ, ỏ, ủ, ỉ'
notes 'ar becomes ả'
entry do
command 'x'
name 'ã, ẽ, õ, ũ, ĩ'
notes 'ax becomes ã'
entry do
command 'j'
name 'ạ, ẹ, ọ, ụ, ị'
notes 'aj becomes ạ'
entry do
command 'a, e, o'
name 'â, ê, ô'
notes 'aa becomes â'
entry do
command 'w'
name 'ă'
notes 'aw becomes ă'
entry do
command 'w'
name 'ơ, ư'
notes 'ow becomes ơ'
entry do
command 'dd'
name 'đ'
notes 'dd becomes đ'
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