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Created December 3, 2012 03:49
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1D array library test (for Pythonista)
from __future__ import division
import numbers
import operator
import math
class array(list):
def __getitem__(self, y):
if isinstance(y, (numbers.Integral, slice)):
return list.__getitem__(self, y)
if isinstance(y[0], bool):
inds = (i for i, yi in enumerate(y) if yi)
return array(list.__getitem__(self, i) for i in inds)
if isinstance(y[0], numbers.Integral):
return array(list.__getitem__(self, yi) for yi in y)
raise TypeError
def __setitem__(self, keys, y):
if isinstance(keys, (numbers.Integral, slice)):
return list.__setitem__(self, key, y)
if isinstance(keys[0], bool):
inds = (i for i, ki in enumerate(keys) if ki)
if isinstance(y, numbers.Integral):
for i in inds:
list.__setitem__(self, i, y)
for i, yi in zip(inds, y):
list.__setitem__(self, i, yi)
if isinstance(keys[0], numbers.Integral):
if isinstance(y, numbers.Integral):
for i in keys:
list.__setitem__(self, i, y)
for i, yi in zip(keys, y):
list.__setitem__(self, i, yi)
raise TypeError
def __abs__(self):
return array(abs(xi) for xi in self)
def elementwise_op(op_name, right=False):
## get standard operator
op = getattr(operator, '__' + op_name + '__')
## element-wise replacement operator
# left operators
def new_l_op(self_, y):
#print 'LOP'
if isinstance(y, numbers.Number):
return array(op(xi, y) for xi in self_)
return array(op(xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(self_, y))
# right operators
def new_r_op(self_, y):
#print 'ROP'
if isinstance(y, numbers.Number):
return array(op(y, xi) for xi in self_)
return array(op(yi, xi) for xi, yi in zip(self_, y))
## replace standard operator
if right:
setattr(array, '__r' + op_name + '__', new_r_op)
setattr(array, '__' + op_name + '__', new_l_op)
def patch_array():
REPLACED_OPS = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'gt', 'ge', 'lt', 'le', 'pow', \
'or', 'and', 'xor', 'truediv', 'mod']
REPLACED_OPS2 = ['iadd', 'isub', 'imul', 'idiv', 'ipow', 'ior', 'iand', \
'ixor', 'itruediv', 'imod']
for op_name in REPLACED_OPS:
elementwise_op(op_name, right=True)
for op_name in REPLACED_OPS2:
def arange(*args, **kwargs):
return array(xrange(*args, **kwargs))
def linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False):
if num == 1:
return array([start])
elif num == 0:
return array([])
end_factor = 1 if endpoint else 0
step = (stop - start)/(num - end_factor)
space = arange(num)*step + start
if retstep:
return space, step
return space
def zeros(num):
return array([0]*num)
def ones(num):
return array([1]*num)
def dot(x, y):
return sum(xi*yi for xi, yi in zip(x, y))
def vectorize(func):
if not hasattr(func, '__call__'):
return func
def new_func(x, *args, **kwargs):
y = [func(xi, *args, **kwargs) for xi in x]
return array(y)
return new_func
def vectorize_all(namespace):
for func in namespace.__dict__.keys():
namespace.__dict__[func] = vectorize(namespace.__dict__[func])
from math import *
def main():
x = arange(20)
print x[(x >= 5) & (x <= 15)]
x[x > 5] += 4
print x[[6,7,11]]
print sin(linspace(0, 2*pi, 5))
print linspace(0, 7, 5, retstep=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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