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rogeriomarques / Gemfile
Created December 25, 2020 00:12 — forked from dhh/Gemfile
HEY's Gemfile
ruby '2.7.1'
gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'tzinfo-data', '>= 1.2016.7' # Don't rely on OSX/Linux timezone data
# Action Text
gem 'actiontext', github: 'basecamp/actiontext', ref: 'okra'
gem 'okra', github: 'basecamp/okra'
# Drivers

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am rogeriomarques on github.
  • I am rogeriomarques ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCWpZq1SqaerNxor7tEIEvOmLYUPAtg3cF82d6-Jve3aAo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

rogeriomarques /
Created September 8, 2018 01:36 — forked from 0XDE57/
Firefox about:config privacy settings


about:config settings to harden the Firefox browser. Privacy and performance enhancements.
To change these settings type 'about:config' in the url bar. Then search the setting you would like to change and modify the value. Some settings may break certain websites from functioning and rendering normally. Some settings may also make firefox unstable.

I am not liable for any damages/loss of data.

Not all these changes are necessary and will be dependent upon your usage and hardware. Do some research on settings if you don't understand what they do. These settings are best combined with your standard privacy extensions (HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript/Request Policy, uBlock origin, agent spoofing, Privacy Badger etc), and all plugins set to "Ask To Activate".

rogeriomarques /
Created April 12, 2018 23:39 — forked from manigandham/
List of rich text / HTML editors
rogeriomarques /
Created October 30, 2017 17:09 — forked from joepie91/
Don't use VPN services.

Don't use VPN services.

No, seriously, don't. You're probably reading this because you've asked what VPN service to use, and this is the answer.

Note: The content in this post does not apply to using VPN for their intended purpose; that is, as a virtual private (internal) network. It only applies to using it as a glorified proxy, which is what every third-party "VPN provider" does.

(A Russian translation of this article can be found here, contributed by Timur Demin.)

Why not?

# Hello, and welcome to makefile basics.
# You will learn why `make` is so great, and why, despite its "weird" syntax,
# it is actually a highly expressive, efficient, and powerful way to build
# programs.
# Once you're done here, go to
# to learn SOOOO much more.
rogeriomarques / whatsapp_phone_enumerator_floated_div.js
Created May 12, 2017 16:26
PoC WhatsApp enumeration of phonenumbers, profile pics, about texts and online statuses (floated div)
PoC WhatsApp enumeration of phonenumbers, profile pics, about texts and online statuses
Floated div edition
(c) 2017 - Loran Kloeze - [email protected]
This script creates a UI on top of the WhatsApp Web interface. It enumerates certain kinds
of information from a range of phonenumbers. It doesn't matter if these numbers are part
of your contact list. At the end a table is displayed containing phonenumbers, profile pics,
about texts and online statuses. The online statuses are being updated every
rogeriomarques / Contract Killer
Created December 8, 2016 04:49
The latest version of my ‘killer contract’ for web designers and developers

Contract Killer

The popular open-source contract for web professionals by Stuff & Nonsense

  • Originally published: 23rd December 2008
  • Revised date: March 15th 2016
  • Original post

rogeriomarques / index.html
Created August 26, 2016 01:50 — forked from anonymous/index.html
Pure CSS Drop-down Responsive
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
<link href='|Open+Sans' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<ul id="header">
<a href="#" id="brand">
Pure CSS Dropdown
<label id="trigger2" for="x7"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></label>
rogeriomarques / gheap.go
Created November 1, 2015 13:38 — forked from Komosa/gheap.go
Golang doesn't need neither runtime type-assertion nor code generation to provide generics
// this package is mostly copy-pasted from golang's std container/heap
// I changed Interface, Pop and Push in order to get rid of type assertions
// usage can be found in test file, benchmarks show that we can get about 27% of speedup for 1000 elems, or 10% for 10M elems (tested on go1.4)
package gheap
type Interface interface {
Len() int
Less(i, j int) bool
Swap(i, j int)