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Work with full JS

Rogério M. de Queiroz rogeriomq

Work with full JS
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rogeriomq / result.ts
Last active January 24, 2025 00:32
Result Patter with Typescript. Inspired By result.dart of the flutter architecture guide.
class Success<T> {
readonly isOk = true;
readonly isFailure = false;
value: T;
constructor(value: T) {
this.value = value;
rogeriomq / api.js
Created July 31, 2019 19:02 — forked from diego3g/api.js
export function loadLists() {
return [
title: 'Tarefas',
creatable: true,
cards: [
id: 1,
content: 'Estudar módulo 01 de NodeJS',
labels: ['#7159c1'],
rogeriomq / settings.json
Created July 24, 2019 19:14
My configs VSCODE
"window.zoomLevel": 2,
"window.menuBarVisibility": "visible",
"vsintellicode.modify.editor.suggestSelection": "automaticallyOverrodeDefaultValue",
"workbench.colorTheme": "Dracula",
"workbench.activityBar.visible": true,
"workbench.iconTheme": "material-icon-theme",
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
export default (enable = false) => {
function formatTime (timeInMs) {
let date = new Date(timeInMs)
// ${date.getDate()}/${date.getMonth()}/${date.getFullYear()}
return `${date.getHours()}:${date.getMinutes()}:${date.getSeconds()}.${date.getMilliseconds()}`
function log (type, ...args) {
if (enable) {
console[type](`%c[${this.$_id}]${formatTime(}>> `,
// Add quasar-framework tags components.
"known_html_tags": "html head title base link meta style script noscript body section nav article aside h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 hgroup header footer address p hr pre blockquote ol ul li dl dt dd figure figcaption div a em strong small s cite q dfn abbr data time code var samp kbd sub sup i b u mark ruby rt rp bdi bdo span br wbr ins del img iframe embed object param video audio source track canvas map area svg math table caption colgroup col tbody thead tfoot tr td th form fieldset legend label input button select datalist optgroup option textarea keygen output progress meter details summary command menu main template q-layout q-page-container q-page q-layout-header q-layout-footer q-layout-drawer q-page-sticky q-fab q-fab-action q-resize-observable q-window-resize-observable q-btn q-btn-group q-btn-dropdown q-toolbar q-toolbar-title q-tabs q-tab q-tab-pane q-route-tab q-pull-to-refresh q-context-menu q-breadcrumbs q-breadcrumbs-el q-pagination q-field q-input q-chips-in
rogeriomq / Sample.vue
Last active April 20, 2018 18:03
DynamicSanitizeData Vuejs - Crie métodos e/ou dados de form para "limpar" dados de formulário
import dynamicSanitizeToAPI from '@/mixins/dynamicSanitizeToAPI'
import { onlyDigits } from 'utils/sanitize'
const formSanitizeToAPI = dynamicSanitizeToAPI({
form: {
id: {default: null},
<field :class="classNames"
v-bind="{dependsIsOk, id, inline, problem, problems, label, validate, title, tooltip, editable}">
<div slot="component">
<div v-show="editable" :class="['component', problems.length ? 'has-error' : '']">
<i class="material-icons" @click="openWidget">&#xE878;</i>
<q-datetime ref="widget" v-model="widget"
type="date" ok-label="Ok" cancel-label="Cancelar" clear-label="Limpar"></q-datetime>
<input :id="id" ref="input" :type="type" :name="name" class="input full-width" :placeholder="placeholder"
* By Rogério M. de Queiroz([email protected])
* Funções de filtros diversos.
* Código inspirado nos .js de igorcosta/ng-filters-br:
const cpfFormatter = (input) => {
let str = input + ''