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Created August 15, 2016 20:31
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function Install-Tomcat {
# Path to the Tomcat installer exe
# Install Destination
# Service name that the Tomcat service will run as
$ServiceName = "Tomcat7",
# Path to java install
$javapath = $env:java_home,
# Java Options
# When used will update Tomcat instead of doing a clean install
begin {
#some basic code goes here to test paths, verify params, verifies catalina.jar version
function Get-TomcatStatus {
#checks to see if tomcat already exists at $destination, also checks to see if there is a service with a name like Tomcat already
#returns $TomcatStatus
function New-Install {
#some code goes here to do a fresh install after determining the state of Tomcat on the host
function Upgrade-Tomcat {
#if the switch -Update is used, it will run a command to update the tomcat options
process {
If(!($Update)) {
New-Install $path $destination $servicename $javaopts
} else {
Update-Install $path $destination $servicename $javaopts
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