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Created August 22, 2018 03:34
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  • Save roguh/9110197de6543e3fea2c94acc67917fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save roguh/9110197de6543e3fea2c94acc67917fa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"95": {
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"created": "2016-03-28T21:24:14.000Z",
"updated": "2018-02-28T20:41:10.792Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Arbitrary File Write",
"found_by": {
"name": "Steve Kemp"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Steve Kemp"
"module_name": "cli",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<1.0.0",
"patched_versions": ">=1.0.0",
"overview": "Affected versions of `cli` use predictable temporary file names. If an attacker can create a symbolic link at the location of one of these temporarly file names, the attacker can arbitrarily write to any file that the user which owns the `cli` process has permission to write to.\n\n\n## Proof of Concept\n\nBy creating Symbolic Links at the following locations, the target of the link can be written to.\n```\nlock_file = '/tmp/' + + '.pid',\nlog_file = '/tmp/' + + '.log';\n```",
"recommendation": "Update to version 1.0.0 or later.",
"references": "[Debian Bugtracker #809252](\n[Issue #81](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "low",
"cwe": "CWE-22",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "CLI.Library",
"exploitability": 3,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"118": {
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"id": 118,
"created": "2016-05-25T16:37:20.000Z",
"updated": "2018-03-01T21:58:01.072Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service",
"found_by": {
"name": "Nick Starke"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Nick Starke"
"module_name": "minimatch",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<=3.0.1",
"patched_versions": ">=3.0.2",
"overview": "Affected versions of `minimatch` are vulnerable to regular expression denial of service attacks when user input is passed into the `pattern` argument of `minimatch(path, pattern)`.\n\n\n## Proof of Concept\n```\nvar minimatch = require(“minimatch”);\n\n// utility function for generating long strings\nvar genstr = function (len, chr) {\n var result = “”;\n for (i=0; i<=len; i++) {\n result = result + chr;\n }\n return result;\n}\n\nvar exploit = “[!” + genstr(1000000, “\\\\”) + “A”;\n\n// minimatch exploit.\nconsole.log(“starting minimatch”);\nminimatch(“foo”, exploit);\nconsole.log(“finishing minimatch”);\n```",
"recommendation": "Update to version 3.0.2 or later.",
"references": "",
"access": "public",
"severity": "high",
"cwe": "CWE-400",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "Multi.Library",
"exploitability": 4,
"affected_components": "Internal::Code::Function::minimatch({type:'args', key:0, vector:{type:'string'}})"
"url": ""
"157": {
"findings": [
"version": "1.1.5",
"paths": [
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"optional": false,
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"id": 157,
"created": "2016-11-09T20:03:19.000Z",
"updated": "2018-05-08T15:23:56.190Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Cryptographically Weak PRNG",
"found_by": {
"name": "Sven Slootweg"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Sven Slootweg"
"module_name": "randomatic",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<3.0.0",
"patched_versions": ">=3.0.0",
"overview": "Affected versions of `randomatic` generate random values using a cryptographically weak psuedo-random number generator. This may result in predictable values instead of random values as intended.\r\n\r\n",
"recommendation": "Update to version 3.0.0 or later.\r\n",
"references": "- [Commit #4a52695](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "low",
"cwe": "CWE-330",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "Multi.Library",
"exploitability": 5,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"338": {
"findings": [
"version": "1.1.6",
"paths": [
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
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"id": 338,
"created": "2017-04-25T18:07:05.988Z",
"updated": "2018-03-28T20:04:39.123Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "ReDoS",
"found_by": {
"name": "myvyang"
"reported_by": {
"name": "myvyang"
"module_name": "brace-expansion",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<=1.1.6",
"patched_versions": ">=1.1.7",
"overview": "Affected versions of `brace-expansion` are vulnerable to a regular expression denial of service condition.\n\n## Proof of Concept\n\n```\nvar expand = require('brace-expansion');\nexpand('{,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\\n}');\n```",
"recommendation": "Update to version 1.1.7 or later.",
"references": "[Issue #33](\n[PR #35](\n[PR #35](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "moderate",
"cwe": "CWE-400",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "Multi.Library",
"exploitability": 5,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"534": {
"findings": [
"version": "2.2.0",
"paths": [
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
"bundled": true
"id": 534,
"created": "2017-09-25T18:55:55.956Z",
"updated": "2018-05-16T19:37:43.686Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Regular Expression Denial of Service",
"found_by": {
"name": "Cristian-Alexandru Staicu"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Cristian-Alexandru Staicu"
"module_name": "debug",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<= 2.6.8 || >= 3.0.0 <= 3.0.1",
"patched_versions": ">= 2.6.9 < 3.0.0 || >= 3.1.0",
"overview": "Affected versions of `debug` are vulnerable to regular expression denial of service when untrusted user input is passed into the `o` formatter. \n\nAs it takes 50,000 characters to block the event loop for 2 seconds, this issue is a low severity issue.",
"recommendation": "Version 2.x.x: Update to version 2.6.9 or later.\nVersion 3.x.x: Update to version 3.1.0 or later.\n",
"references": "- [Issue #501](\n- [PR #504](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "low",
"cwe": "CWE-400",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 5,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"566": {
"findings": [
"version": "2.16.3",
"paths": [
"dev": true,
"optional": false,
"bundled": false
"id": 566,
"created": "2018-04-20T21:25:58.421Z",
"updated": "2018-04-20T21:25:58.421Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Prototype pollution",
"found_by": {
"name": "HoLyVieR"
"reported_by": {
"name": "HoLyVieR"
"module_name": "hoek",
"cves": [],
"vulnerable_versions": "<= 4.2.0 || >= 5.0.0 < 5.0.3",
"patched_versions": "> 4.2.0 < 5.0.0 || >= 5.0.3",
"overview": "Versions of `hoek` prior to 4.2.1 and 5.0.3 are vulnerable to prototype pollution.\n\nThe `merge` function, and the `applyToDefaults` and `applyToDefaultsWithShallow` functions which leverage `merge` behind the scenes, are vulnerable to a prototype pollution attack when provided an _unvalidated_ payload created from a JSON string containing the `__proto__` property.\n\nThis can be demonstrated like so:\n\n```javascript\nvar Hoek = require('hoek');\nvar malicious_payload = '{\"__proto__\":{\"oops\":\"It works !\"}}';\n\nvar a = {};\nconsole.log(\"Before : \" + a.oops);\nHoek.merge({}, JSON.parse(malicious_payload));\nconsole.log(\"After : \" + a.oops);\n```\n\nThis type of attack can be used to overwrite existing properties causing a potential denial of service.",
"recommendation": "Update to version 4.2.1, 5.0.3 or later.",
"references": "",
"access": "public",
"severity": "moderate",
"cwe": "CWE-471",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 5,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
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"version": "4.13.1",
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"id": 577,
"created": "2018-04-24T14:27:02.796Z",
"updated": "2018-04-24T14:27:13.049Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Prototype Pollution",
"found_by": {
"name": "Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)"
"module_name": "lodash",
"cves": [
"vulnerable_versions": "<4.17.5",
"patched_versions": ">=4.17.5",
"overview": "Versions of `lodash` before 4.17.5 are vulnerable to prototype pollution. \n\nThe vulnerable functions are 'defaultsDeep', 'merge', and 'mergeWith' which allow a malicious user to modify the prototype of `Object` via `__proto__` causing the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects.\n\n",
"recommendation": "Update to version 4.17.5 or later.",
"references": "- [HackerOne Report](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "low",
"cwe": "CWE-471",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 1,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"598": {
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"id": 598,
"created": "2018-04-24T20:30:16.099Z",
"updated": "2018-04-24T20:31:15.816Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Memory Exposure",
"found_by": {
"name": "Сковорода Никита Андреевич"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Сковорода Никита Андреевич"
"module_name": "tunnel-agent",
"cves": [],
"vulnerable_versions": "<0.6.0",
"patched_versions": ">=0.6.0",
"overview": "Versions of `tunnel-agent` before 0.6.0 are vulnerable to memory exposure.\n\nThis is exploitable if user supplied input is provided to the auth value and is a number.\n\nProof-of-concept:\n```js\nrequire('request')({\n method: 'GET',\n uri: '',\n tunnel: true,\n proxy:{\n protocol: 'http:',\n host:'',\n port:8080,\n auth:USERSUPPLIEDINPUT // number\n }\n});\n```",
"recommendation": "Update to version 0.6.0 or later.",
"references": "- [GitHub Commit #9ca95ec](\n- [Proof of Concept](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "moderate",
"cwe": "CWE-20",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 3,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"612": {
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"version": "0.4.2",
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"id": 612,
"created": "2018-04-24T23:13:13.134Z",
"updated": "2018-05-08T01:46:15.050Z",
"deleted": null,
"title": "Prototype Pollution",
"found_by": {
"name": "Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)"
"reported_by": {
"name": "Olivier Arteau (HoLyVieR)"
"module_name": "deep-extend",
"cves": [],
"vulnerable_versions": "<=0.5.0",
"patched_versions": ">=0.5.1",
"overview": "Versions of `deep-extend` before 0.5.1 are vulnerable to prototype pollution.",
"recommendation": "Update to version 0.5.1 or later.",
"references": "- [HackerOne Report](",
"access": "public",
"severity": "low",
"cwe": "CWE-471",
"metadata": {
"module_type": "",
"exploitability": 2,
"affected_components": ""
"url": ""
"muted": [],
"metadata": {
"vulnerabilities": {
"info": 0,
"low": 23,
"moderate": 10,
"high": 6,
"critical": 0
"dependencies": 19,
"devDependencies": 8381,
"optionalDependencies": 178,
"totalDependencies": 8400
"runId": "d08ecf98-b0fd-4231-afa7-344b2b815059"
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