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Mission Impossible: Open Source Compliance for 1990's Licenses in Today's World
Will the OS Community Soon Face OSS Trolls?
Dr. Hendrik Schöttle, Fachanwalt für IT-Recht,
"First I will disappoint you: I won't have an out-of-box-solution" :(
compliance issues will likely increase in the next years
myths vs facts
what are the aims of the oss community?
MIT (1988), BSD (1990), GPLv2 (1991) are rather old licenses
Myth 1: oss communities do everything correctly
it's your own fault if you break your own license
OSS licensor is not bound to comply with their own license terms (OLG Hamm, 4 U 72/16)
but a licensee distributing unmodified source tarball is automatically in breach of the license
even linux kernel is not immune
GPLv2 par. 1 states:
on each copy: include with the program
appropriate copyright notice
+ disclaimer of warranty
+ license text
+ attribution to GPL v2
look on linux-4.13.4.tar.xz (and actually also latest version) with fossology
90 unique licenses in the tarball
tarball includes text for GPLv2, copyright notice of FSF
but no warranty disclaimer in every source file
see e.g. kernel/cred.c, kernel/ptrace.c, net/ipv4/netfilter/arp_tables.c
kernel/params.c as a positive example
Myth 2: license obligations are easily fulfilled
not that easy to compile all license texts, copyright notice etc into one report & give it to users
tools still require lots of manual work
(90 different unique licenses...)
in 1990: software fit onto 1-2 floppy disks, with a paper manual
not that big of a problem.
in 2017: smartphones, embedded systems etc.
sometimes without a screen, no paper manual, 100 GB of source code possible
display warranties etc. "easily perceivable"?
paper needs no power!
some opinions in the GNU FAQ:
e.g. on an audio interface, you could read the text aloud... :D
myth 3: no one will ever hunt you down.
if companies are on good terms with the community, they'll be fine
but: license trolls...
number is increasing: make $$$ from basically nothing
claims can be enforced by each single contributor
see article "Patrick McHardy and copyright profiteering"
myth 4: GPL obligates me/others to contribute source code to the original source
no! needs only to be provided to the recipient of the software!
no "you have to give back to upstream"
(even though most orgs understand why this is useful)
myth 5: OSS compliance is easily achievable (economically)
see above
if many licenses need to be assembled/printed on paper, this costs money/code space
who is taking advantage of availability of the source code?
real life example of a household appliance running linux
only ~5 requests for the source in total
question: but MIT/BSD are easily enforcable/easy to follow?
Yes. GPL (and apache license?) is a bit of an elephant in the room
more strict terms also with GPLv3
from a structural perspective it's the same issue, warranty disclaimers, copyright notices, etc
What are the aims of the open source community?
building a thriving community?
impossible solely through licenses
rather but because the software "is good"
"if you don't publish your source code, you'll burn in hell" is not very motivating.
ability of users to amend & modify their software
see above, extremely rare.
"I don't want to modify it, it should work. I'm not a software developer"
(users mostly cannot even use the toolchain etc)
open source community is like a castle:
heavily armed (with licenses)
everyone who wants to can use those arms (every contributor)
=> "get your cannons under control!" -> license enforcement is over the top.
GPL is not law, but individual agreement
needs to be interpreted by courts => more difficult to enforce
Any solutions?
closed communities, waive copyrights to project leader (e.g. apache)
OTOH, you as the outsider (doing license compliance) would still not know whether/when the cannons are fired
rethink OSS licenses as such?
maybe even public domain?
chart of 2011-2017: MIT usage increases 10% -> 30%, GPLv2 decreases 40% -> 20%
(source: black duck open source resource center)
Q: how about GPL, but assign copyright to FSF?
A: yes, possible, same concept as above with apache in closed community
Q: did you read Kernel enforcement statement?
A: it's agreement, not law. interpretation of the court can vary.
history: first ever GPL enforcement was in Germany in 2004, was recognized as a personal agreement
Q: could I add a clause "don't distribute my software if a clause is interpreted like this"?
A: Yes, but then not open source, would probably lead to more issues
Mixed License FOSS Projects: Unintended Consequences, Worked Examples, Best Practices
Lars Kurth, ELCE 17, Prague
(notes by rohieb)
examples of projects that started out as single-license:
linux (gplv2)
qemu, xen (gplv2)
freebsd (bsd)
linux: 96% GPLv2
qemu: 86% GPLv2
freebsd: less than 84% BSD-licensed...
why multi-license?
need to interface with other projects under another license
want to allow other projects interfacing with your project
want to import code from other projects
project may not have clear rules that govern license exceptions
people assume it's ok to add differently-licensed code
=> all good and valid reasons for license exceptions
BUT without guidance, there may arise unintended consequences
"War Stories from the XEN project"
Xen == several sub-projects
financially supported by linux foundation
want to enable guest support for non-gpl OSes
=> header files need MIT or BSD or other permissive licenses
possibility for such OSes to have Xen support also needs permissive licenses
want to enable non-gpl tools to interface with xen (=> lgpl)
want to import code from other projects
we had no codified rules about licensing exceptions
we assumed we had a single-license project
War Story 1: license-related information not easy to consume by lawyers
2015: large $company reviewing xen, wants to allow their staff to contribute
$company starts IP and patent review
evalutate LICENSE, COPYING, runs fossology on xen codebase
fossology finds some mismatches...
lots of questions about rationale for licensing exceptions
generates a lot of work for Xen people and IP lawyers
but $company contribution is kind of important for the xen project...
=> ended up in lots of code archaeology
after 9 months, $company is finally ok with everything.
why did this take so long?
information was present, but not really consumable
git commit logs
references to mailing list posts
mailing list archives were rebuilt a few times...
changed from mercurial to git...
licensing inconsistencies confusing the IP lawyers
lawyers tend to work on multiple projects at the same time => long delays
at the end of the process: let's cleanup all that mess!
in-tree info on license exceptions
license templates in CONTRIBUTING file
when to use what license
rationale for specific classes of license exceptions
COPYING file for each single component
README.source for every directory to document code imports (even for gpl imports)
tracking rationale, source, other relevant info
no time to maintain this at commit time rather than afterwards (TM)
fix inconsistencies in existing documentation
War Story 2: Relicensing a key componnet
patch series: "Make ACPI builder available to components other than hvmloader"
basically: re-use architecture component in component B when it was only used in component A (under different licenses)
-> GPL linking clause etc.
clean-room reimplementation
very much code, very much time...
some original authors were not reachable for questions about the old code
allow GPLv2 encumberment for component B
too intrusive!
relicense ACPI builder component to LGPL
need to ask every single contributor
in hindsight, relicensing could have been avoided with a bit more foresight when looking at the architecture view...
1. identify copyright holders (Signed-off-by lines, file headers)
easy? most of the time...
VCS changed from mercurial to git in the meantime
people just copied files, no git mv -> destroyed file history
was the code maybe imported from elsewhere?
potential issues of code imported from project which had Contributor License Agreements
2. split into individuals and companies (can be treated differently)
issue: use of private email addresses when really working for a company
3. contact company stakeholders and private individuals
corporate owbership of code: only need to ask one entity for several contributors
private individuals need to be asked each individually
4. ask for approval of all copyright holders
e-mail adresses don't exist anymore...
linkedin, phone, personal track-down through personal contacts... waaaaah!
5. Approval?
yes -> commit!
no -> well, we need a workaround... :(
Problem: one contributor (working for $COMPANY) couldn't be tracked down
$COMPANY was based in china. but what is the chinese linkedin equivalent...? Don't know chinese, etc.
$COMPANY was no OSS company, never contributed something in other projects o_O
search for office staff, programs office, etc. of $COMPANY
contingency plan: their contribution was not really used in the binary version
=> was not really needed for LGPL compliance
=> make two variants of the component with different licenses, only one including their code
but phew, success! approval after 2 months!
War Story 3: unintended consequences of mixing GPL/LGPL "vversion X (or later)" with GPL/LGPL "version X only"
(related to War Story 1, same context)
$company says GPL v3 is problematic for them because patents
our project is "v2 only". but apparently we have gplv2 "or later" in our code base...?
huh, but why do we have that?
contributors just copied the FSF's website text for file header, nobody noticed... -.-
issue exists also in linux (14% of files), qemu (9%), xen (10%), freebsd (32%) o_O
can't we drop the "or later" silently...?
raise awareness in the project about the difference, hopefully we'll find a solution
in the end, problem went away because $company had already contributed to "GPL v2 or later" projects elsewhere
Best Practices:
if you wan to stay single-license, use tools to help you.
document license exceptions!
company vs. personal s-o-b lines
plan for future architectural changes
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