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penguining around

Roland Hieber rohieb

penguining around
View GitHub Profile
rohieb / gist:5861aad7241c28011c96a1b0636f1ca4
Last active October 15, 2024 23:11
Mastodon v4: be more economical with vertical space
* Make Mastodon v4 (advanced interface) look more like Mastodon v3 with the avatars left
* of the post content, and the post indented by the same space.
* Also optimize use of vertical space for smaller displays.
* For use with a userstyle browser extension, e.g. Stylish.
* Original URL:
* See example screenshot in
.status__wrapper .status {
/* indicate media without a description
initial code by Paul (, expanded upon by FiXato (
related discussion:
Feel free to reuse it; it's public domain ( */
.media-gallery__item-thumbnail img:not([alt]),
.video-player video:not([title]),
.media-gallery__gifv video:not([title])
border: 2px solid red;
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
-- Copyright (C) 2020 Roland Hieber
-- Convert headers of level >= 3 to LaTeX \paragraph{}s (usable with koma-script classes)
if FORMAT ~= "latex" and
FORMAT ~= "beamer" and
FORMAT ~= "json" and
FORMAT ~= "native"
rohieb /
Created May 8, 2020 09:05
ffmpeg screengrabber
usage() {
cat << EOF
ffmpeg screengrabber wrapper. End recording by pressing 'q'.
Usage: $0 [options] [name]
name optional string to include in the file name
rohieb / webinar-datenschutz-grundverordnung-für-kleine-vereine-shownotes.txt
Created May 6, 2018 15:03
Shownotes zum Webinar "Datenschutz-Grundverordnung für kleine Vereine"
Webinar: Datenschutz-Grundverordnung für kleine Vereine
(Shownotes by rohieb)
00:00:00 Einleitung
00.03:30 Agenda
00:05:00 Was ist Datenschutz?
- Abgeleitet aus Grundgesetz, Grundrecht auf Persönlichkeitsrecht
- Europäische Grundrechtecharta
- Ziel: Schutz des Einzelnen vor Beeinträchtigung des Persönlichkeitsrechts
Mission Impossible: Open Source Compliance for 1990's Licenses in Today's World
Will the OS Community Soon Face OSS Trolls?
Dr. Hendrik Schöttle, Fachanwalt für IT-Recht,
"First I will disappoint you: I won't have an out-of-box-solution" :(
compliance issues will likely increase in the next years
rohieb /
Last active January 22, 2017 03:16


Dōmo-kun wallpaper

This design is licensed unter CC0.


  • dōmo-kun.{png,svg}: wallpaper version
  • dōmo-kun-{red,black,white}.svg: suitable for cut-plotting e.g. on heat transfer foil. the small rectangle in the lower left helps distinguishing the edges. remove it before the heat transfer.
rohieb / twitter-timeline-declutter.user.js
Last active April 25, 2022 12:38
Twitter Timeline Declutter user script
// ==UserScript==
// @name Twitter Timeline Declutter
// @namespace
// @version 2
// @description Remove "Who to Follow", "While you were away", "You might like" etc. from your timeline stream
// @author rohieb
// @homepage
// @updateURL
// @match *://*
// @grant GM_addStyle
rohieb /
Last active July 31, 2016 03:54
IBR-DTN with PTXDist on Raspberry Pi

This is a very compressed version of How to become a PTXdist Guru.

PTXdist is a build system to reproducably build Linux distributions from source. DistroKit is a Board Support Package for embedded systems, using PTXdist.

  1. get a fast machine with at least ~15 GB of free space
  2. install PTXDist, version 2016.07.0
  3. install the OSELAS.Toolchain, version 2014.12.x for arm-v7a-linux-gnueabihf
  4. git clone
  5. cd DistroKit-rpi-ibrdtn
  6. optionally, ptxdist menuconfig to select software to build