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Created March 4, 2016 19:23
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Regridding with ungridded dimensions using 2D interpolant
# This example demonstrates how to regrid a field with extra dimensions,
# such as time and vertical layers.
# The data files can be retrieved from the ESMF data repository by uncommenting the
# following block of code:
# import os
# DD = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "examples/data")
# if not os.path.isdir(DD):
# os.makedirs(DD)
# from ESMF.util.cache_data import cache_data_file
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DD, ""))
# cache_data_file(os.path.join(DD, ""))
import ESMF
import numpy
# This call enables debug logging
# esmpy = ESMF.Manager(debug=True)
grid1 = "examples/data/"
grid2 = "examples/data/"
# the number of elements in the extra field dimensions
levels = 2
time = 5
# Create a uniform global latlon grid from a SCRIP formatted file
srcgrid = ESMF.Grid(filename=grid1, filetype=ESMF.FileFormat.SCRIP,
# Create a uniform global latlon grid from a SCRIP formatted file
dstgrid = ESMF.Grid(filename=grid2, filetype=ESMF.FileFormat.SCRIP,
# create a field on the center stagger locations of the source grid
srcfield_blank = ESMF.Field(srcgrid, name='srcfield',
# create a field on the center stagger locations of the source grid
srcfield = ESMF.Field(srcgrid, name='srcfield',
ndbounds=[levels, time])
# create a field on the center stagger locations of the destination grid
dstfield_blank = ESMF.Field(dstgrid, name='dstfield',
# create a field on the center stagger locations of the destination grid
dstfield = ESMF.Field(dstgrid, name='dstfield',
ndbounds=[levels, time])
# create a field on the center stagger locations of the destination grid
xctfield = ESMF.Field(dstgrid, name='xctfield',
ndbounds=[levels, time])
# create fields needed to analyze accuracy of conservative regridding
srcfracfield = ESMF.Field(srcgrid, name='srcfracfield')
dstfracfield = ESMF.Field(dstgrid, name='dstfracfield')
srcareafield = ESMF.Field(srcgrid, name='srcareafield')
dstareafield = ESMF.Field(dstgrid, name='dstareafield')
# get the coordinate pointers and set the coordinates
[lon,lat] = [0, 1]
gridXCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lon, ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
gridYCoord = srcfield.grid.get_coords(lat, ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
deg2rad = 3.14159/180
for timestep in range(time):
for level in range(levels):[level,timestep,:,:]=10.0*(level+timestep+1) + \
(gridXCoord*deg2rad)**2 + \
(gridXCoord*deg2rad)*(gridYCoord*deg2rad) + \
# get the coordinate pointers and set the coordinates
gridXCoord = xctfield.grid.get_coords(lon, ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
gridYCoord = xctfield.grid.get_coords(lat, ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
for timestep in range(time):
for level in range(levels):[level,timestep,:,:]=10.0*(level+timestep+1) + \
(gridXCoord*deg2rad)**2 + \
(gridXCoord*deg2rad)*(gridYCoord*deg2rad) + \
(gridYCoord*deg2rad)**2[...] = 1e20
# create an object to regrid data from the source to the destination field
regrid = ESMF.Regrid(srcfield_blank, dstfield_blank,
# do the regridding from source to destination field
dstfield = regrid(srcfield, dstfield)
# ask ESMF to calculate the area fields
# compute the pointwise relative error and the mass on each field
srcmass = 0
dstmass = 0
relerr = 0
for timestep in range(time):
for level in range(levels):
srcmass += numpy.sum(numpy.abs(**[level,timestep,:,:]))
dstmass += numpy.sum(numpy.abs(*[level,timestep,:,:]))
relerr += numpy.sum(numpy.abs([level,timestep,:,:] / -[level,timestep,:,:]) /
# compute the mean relative interpolation and conservation error
from operator import mul
num_nodes = reduce(mul,
meanrelerr = 0
if num_nodes is not 0:
meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
csrverr = 0
if dstmass is not 0:
csrverr = numpy.abs(srcmass - dstmass) / dstmass
# handle the parallel case
if ESMF.pet_count() > 1:
from mpi4py import MPI
raise ImportError
relerr = comm.reduce(relerr, op=MPI.SUM)
num_nodes = comm.reduce(num_nodes, op=MPI.SUM)
srcmass = comm.reduce(srcmass, op=MPI.SUM)
dstmass = comm.reduce(dstmass, op=MPI.SUM)
# output the results from one processor only
if ESMF.local_pet() is 0:
meanrelerr = relerr / num_nodes
csrverr = numpy.abs(srcmass - dstmass) / dstmass
print "ESMPy Ungridded Field Dimensions Example"
print " interpolation mean relative error = {0}".format(meanrelerr)
print " mass conservation relative error = {0}".format(csrverr)
assert (meanrelerr < 8e-4)
print "Mean Relative Error = "+str(meanrelerr)
print "Field shape = "+str(
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