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Last active September 16, 2022 05:32
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SSH Jump old version technique

This is best for publish local project to internet use own public server. For example i have localhost port 80 on my local and planning publish it.

First create your port forwading first and connect to own public server.

ssh -L [new_port_forward]:[new_host_forward]:[ip_host_remote_port] root@localhost -p 2200
or you can use -T without tty terminal
ssh -T -L [new_port_forward]:[new_host_forward]:[ip_host_remote_port] root@localhost -p 2200

Next open new terminal again on your local

ssh root@localhost -p [new_port_forward]

Then open browser access url http://[new_host_forward]:[port_forward]

Create SSH Jump Connection use Embedded Forward Technique

Create Config File on ~/.ssh/config

Host wsl_root
  HostName localhost
  User root
  Port 2200
  IdentityFile C:\Users\donny\.ssh\id_rsa
  ProxyCommand ssh -v rollproject -W [%h or localhost]:[%p or rollproject_port]

Host rollproject
  User root
  Port 22

Then start connecting

ssh -v wsl_root
Explanation :
  • -v -> is Verbose
  • wsl_root -> is host from config file

You can use with raw technique :

ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -v root@[target_server_host] -W [%h or localhost]:[target_server_port]" root@localhost -p 2200 

Real example :

Method 1 :
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh [email protected] -W %h:22" root@localhost -p 2200

If not working use method 2: 
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh [email protected] -W localhost:22" root@localhost -p 2200

Create SSH Jump Connection use NetCat

Create Config File on ~/.ssh/config

Host wsl_root
  HostName localhost
  User root
  Port 2200
  IdentityFile C:\Users\donny\.ssh\id_rsa
  ProxyCommand ssh -v rollproject nc [%h or localhost] [rollproject_port]

Host rollproject
  User root
  Port 22
  ForwardAgent no

Then start connecting

ssh -v wsl_root
Explanation :
  • -v -> is Verbose
  • wsl_root -> is host from config file

You can use with raw technique :

ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh -v root@[target_server_host] nc [%h or localhost] [target_server_port]" root@localhost -p 2200 

Real example :

Method 1 :
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh [email protected] nc %h 22" root@localhost -p 2200

If not working use method 2: 
ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh [email protected] nc localhost 22" root@localhost -p 2200
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