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Last active August 20, 2023 20:24
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Arch Linux ARM on ESXi Fling (on Raspberry Pi 4)

arch linux arm on esxi fling (on raspberry pi 4)

  • create / Register VM -> Linux / Other 4.x or Later (64bit) -> ...

    • CD/DVD Drive: use a Linux ISO that can boot into a recue shell e.g 'debian-10.9.0-arm64-netinst.iso'; make sure "Connect at power on" is selected
    • VM Options / Boot options: Firmware "EFI" (should be the default anyways)
  • power On VM -> should see GNU GRUB welcome screen (from debian ISO/cdrom) -> Advanced Options -> Rescue mode

    • go through menu selections (language, keyborad, etc) until you have a shell ('Execute a shell in the intaller environment')
  • partition the disk; see also ArchLinux Wiki Partition the disk

    One partition for the root directory /. For booting in UEFI mode: an EFI system partition.

    • fdisk -l should list your hd; usually /dev/sda

    • using fdisk create boot/EFI parition and root partition e.g.

      fdisk /dev/sda
      n # +300M
      t # 1 'EFI System'
      n # will per default be 'Linux fileystem'
      w # write new GTP partition table to disk
  • format the partitions and mount the file systems

    • format:
    mkfs.fat /dev/sda1
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
    • mount the file systems
      • mkdir /mnt/root; mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/root
      • mkdir /mnt/boot; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
  • still in rescue shell, download generic ArchLinux ARM package; see link

    • cd /tmp; wget
  • Unpack into /mnt/root

    • tar -xzf /tmp/ArchLinuxARM-aarch64-latest.tar.gz -C /mnt/root
    • cd /mnt/root/boot; cp -a * /mnt/boot
  • Reboot system, in GRUB screen, select 'c' (grub command line), and boot ArchLinux:

    grub> ls
    grub> ls (hd0,gpt2)/
    grub> linux (hd0,gpt2/boot/Image.gz root=/dev/sda2
    grub> initrd (hd0,gpt2/boot/initramfs-linux.img
    grub> boot
  • login with root / root

  • If root "/" is mounted as read-only, re-mount re-write

    • mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda2 /
  • Setup pacman (database synche etc)

    pacman-key --init
    pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm
    pacman -Syy`
  • install install helper scripts pacman -S arch-install-script (contains e.g. genfstab)

  • generate fstab, see also ArchLinux Wiki on fstab

     # ensure boot is mounted too, if not
     mv /boot /boot.bak
     mkdir /boot
     mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
     genfstab -U / >> /etc/fstab
  • install and setup GRUB (boot manager)

    • update kernel etc with pacman -S linux linux-headers (select "1) linux-aarch64-headers")
    • install grub etc pacman -S grub efibootmgr
  • install GRUB with

    • grub-install --target=arm64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB --boot-directory=/boot
  • configure grub, see also ArchLinux Wiki on Grub link

    • NOTE: generally grub-install look for the kernel image name '/boot/vmlinuz-*...', however, the arm kernel image in '/boot' is called 'Image.gz' (compressed) resp. 'Image' (uncompressed). Quick fix / dirty workaround for grub to find the kernel and generate respective grub.cfg is not copy/rename current kernel image to 'vmlinuz-linux' before calling grub-mkconfig
      cd /boot
      cp Image vmlinuz-linux
      grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
  • reboot ! 🤞

  • for remaining steps (e.g. setting hostname etc) see Installion guide and General Recommendations (post install) on ArchLinux Wiki

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