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Last active December 24, 2024 10:29
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  • Save romainl/7198a63faffdadd741e4ae81ae6dd9e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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:DiffOrig but smarter

:DiffOrig but smarter

This is an enhanced version of the snippet provided under :help diff-original-file.

Where the original :DiffOrig only shows differences between the buffer in memory and the file on disk, :Diff can be used in two ways:

  • against the file on disk, like the original, with:

  • against an arbitrary Git revision of the current file, with:

    :Diff HEAD

My Vim-related gists.

function! Diff(spec)
vertical new
setlocal bufhidden=wipe buftype=nofile nobuflisted noswapfile
let cmd = "++edit #"
if len(a:spec)
let cmd = "!git -C " . shellescape(fnamemodify(finddir('.git', '.;'), ':p:h:h')) . " show " . a:spec . ":#"
execute "read " . cmd
silent 0d_
wincmd p
command! -nargs=? Diff call Diff(<q-args>)
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I have modified :Diff to take <mods>, set 'filetype, and do :diffoff! when the scratch buffer is wiped.

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romainl commented Jul 1, 2020

@peterrinker great!

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Nice! I have made this into a small plugin

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matveyt commented Dec 24, 2024

This is quite an old gist but I guess some people may still use it. So it's probably worth noting that finddir() trick is not needed. Instead, we can force git to figure path itself:

let cmd = '!git -C #:p:h:S show '..a:spec..':./#:t:S'

-C option makes git to change its working directory first; then it's okay to use "single dot" as relative path inside any commit too.

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