Make sure you have a clipboard-aware Vim build. I recommend MacVim.
Install or update XQuartz.app and start it.
In the Preferences window, activate clipboard synchronization.
Quit XQuartz.app.
In iTerm.app or Terminal.app, connect to your remote machine with:
$ ssh -X username@host
and see the XQuartz.app icon pop-up in your Dock.
From now on, XQuartz.app will start automatically in the background when you use the -X
flag, taking care of the clipboard synchronization for you.
If you don't already have it, install GVim. On Debian-based systems, use:
$ sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
The idea is not to use Gvim but installing it gets you everything you need to get clipboard sharing to work:
- a minimal X
- a Vim built with clipboard support
In Vim, synchronize the unnamed and clipboard registers by adding this line to
:set clipboard^=unnamed
@MagnusBrzenk Does it still work now? In my case, it works after I reinstall XQuartz. But after I exit server and close XQuartz, it doesn't work again next time I log into the server.