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Last active September 17, 2023 10:11
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Multiply/divide by [count]
function! Multivide(divide)
let cnt = v:count1
let old_reg = getreg("v")
call search('\d\([^0-9\.]\|$\)', 'cW')
normal v
call search('\(^\|[^0-9\.]\d\)', 'becW')
normal "vygv
if a:divide == 1
execute 'normal "_c' . @v / cnt
execute 'normal "_c' . @v * cnt
call setreg("v", old_reg)
nnoremap <key> :<C-u>call Multivide(0)<CR>
nnoremap <otherkey> :<C-u>call Multivide(1)<CR>
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Hey romainl, this is great!
I never knew I needed this, but now I use it all the time.
Therefore, I decided to polish it a little and publish it as a plugin:
Thanks for this!

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