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Created December 15, 2021 00:06
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# /usr/bin/help
# man apropos
# man 8 afterboot
# Network
# setup wifi
doas ifconfig iwn0 up
doas ifconfig iwn0 nwid coolwifiname wpakey secretpassword
# ifconfig iwn0 -nwid # to disconnect
dhclient iwn0
# for permanent configuration use /etc/hostname.<device>
# (e.g. /etc/hostname.iwn0):
# ```
# nwid coolwifiname wpakey secretpassword
# dhcp
# sh /etc/netstart # to restart network
# ```
# setup wireguard
cp wireguard_x230.conf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
chmod 700 /etc/wireguard
wg-quick up wg0
# allow ipv6 forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
# into /etc/hosts
# System updates
# to update firmware (because it can't be attached to installation)
doas fw_update
# to update system
doas syspatch
# install packages
pkg_add vim git fish htop ttyplot ranger ripgrep pdftk ImageMagick ffmpeg gnuwatch
pkg_add wireguard-tools lynx newsboat gomuks transmission syncthing tor httrack rtl-sdr
pkg_add feh i3 xclip rxvt-unicode symbola-ttf iosevka # (iosevka instead of jetbrains-mono)
pkg_add okular keepassxc vlc
pkg_add firefox tor-browser
pkg_add rust python # (python 3)
# start syncthing
rcctl set syncthing user rblanco
# update resource limit for daemon in /etc/login.conf:
# syncthing:\
# :openfiles-max=16384:\
# :openfiles-cur=8192:\
# :tc=daemon:
rcctl enable syncthing
# fix memory issues of firefox
usermod -G staff rblanco # add user to staff (check by `userinfo rblanco`)
# #foo cat /etc/login.conf
# .... lines ....
# staff:\
# :datasize-cur=3072M:\
# :datasize-max=infinity:\
# :maxproc-max=512:\
# :maxproc-cur=256:\
# :ignorenologin:\
# :requirehome@:\
# :tc=default:
# .... lines ....
cp /etc/examples/doas.conf /etc/
# give user permission to run commands as root without password (ultimate power):
# permit nopass rblanco as root
# allow users to power off computer:
# permit nopass :staff as root cmd zzz
# permit nopass :staff as root cmd ZZZ
# permit nopass :staff as root cmd reboot args
# permit nopass :staff as root cmd shutdown args -p now
# Environment
# disable xconsole on startup by commenting in /etc/X11/xenodm/Xsetup_0
# Mount USB storage devices
disklabel sd0 # check the partition name
mount /dev/sd0i /mnt/usb
umount /mnt/usb
# Performance
# hibernate at 5% remaining battery
# in /etc/rc.conf.local:
# ampd_flags=-A -Z 5
# battery optimizations
doas rcctl -f start apmd
doas rcctl enable ampd
apm -L # sets hw.setperf to 0 (sysctl)
# to cut out image pixels 400 width, 30 height
# convert edc/IMG_20211002_154609-gray.jpg -shave 400x30 tmp/400_30_2.jpg
# Audio & Video
# to turn off system bell
xset b off
# audio and video recording is disabled by default
# - man 4 video -> to record video:
doas sysctl
doas chown $USER /dev/video
ffmpeg -f v4l2 -input_format mjpeg -video_size 1280x720 -i /dev/video ~/video.mkv # 'q' to stop
# - man 4 audio -> to record audio:
doas sysctl
# - man 8 mixerctl -> to unmute microphone:
doas mixerctl record.adc-0:1_mute=off
aucat -o file.wav # CTRL+C to stop
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