If you're developing an application based on React it can be helpful if you don't need to develop all the basic UI components yourself. Here you can find a list with various components, component libraries and complete design systems developed with and for React.
Brands (official design systems by various companies and products)
- Fluent UI by Microsoft: The official front-end framework for Office and Office 365. (formerly known as Fabric UI)
- Atlas Kit: Atlassian's official UI library, built according to the Atlassian Design Guidelines (ADG)
- Spectrum: Implementation of Spectrum, Adobe’s design system
- Primer Components: React Components for GitHub Design System called "Primer"
- Gestalt: Pinterest design language components
- Elastic UI framework: Design Library by Elastic used by their own products
- Shopify Polaris: Shopify’s product component library
- Carbon: IBMs Design System
- react-stripe-elements: React components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements
- Google Pay Button: "Google Pay" Button as React Component
- PrimeReact: Official PrimeFaces components for React
- Reactivesearch: React UI components for Elasticsearch
- Ant Design: A complete Design System (and implementation in React)
- Blueprint: A react-based UI Toolkit for the Web
- Grommet: A design system made for React.js
- Evergreen: Design system with React Components
- Rebass: Functional React UI component library, built with styled-components
- React-Elemental: Modern, flat UI library for React
- Semantic UI: Semantic UI integration for React
- Formatic UI: community fork of Semantic UI
- RBX: Bulma UI Framework for React
- Onsen UI: React components for hybrid mobile apps (Android, iOS)
- Reakit: Accessible UI components for React
- Chakra UI: modular and accessible component library for React
- React Suite: suite of React components
- Kendo UI: React components for Kendo UI
- Material-UI: Material UI components for React
- React Material Web Components: React wrapper around Google Material Design Components
- MD Components: Material Design React Components
- Polythene: Material Design component library
- reactstrap: React Components for Bootstrap 4
- React Bootstrap: Bootstrap rewritten in React
- React Foundation: React Components for ZURB Foundation Framework
- react-grid-layout: draggable and resizable grid layout
- React Grid: Grid for Bootstrap and Material-UI React Data Grid
- jqwidgets React Grid: datagrid component built with React, Typescript and the jQWidgets framework
- React DataGrid: Excel-like grid component built with React
- React Table: extendable datagrid component for React
- Email Editor Component: A drag-n-drop email editor by Unlayer
- React Spinners: Collection of Spinner (Loading indicators...) components for React
- AirBnB react-dates: An easily internationalizable, mobile-friendly datepicker library for the web
- react-timekeeper: Time picker based on the style of the Android Google Keep app
- React Select: Select Input component with multiselect, autocomplete and ajax support
- react-cropper: Image cropper component for React
- React Timeline: Responsive Timeline components for React
- React Modal: Modal dialog component for React
- react-sidebar-ui: A sidebar component
- React Virtualized: Components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
- react-beautiful-dnd: Drag'n'Drop components for React built by Atlassian
- react-collapsed: custom-hook for creating flexible and accessible expand/collapse components
- react-uploady: file uploading components
- video-react: HTML5-based video player with React
- react-pdf: display PDF files
- react-spring: spring-physics based animation library
- Framer Motion: fluid animations for the web, across desktop and mobile.
- react-animations: animations for inline style libraries
- react-animation: components and pre-built animations
- react-flow-chart: flow chart library for react with drag'n'drop
- react-vis: A composable charting library by Uber
- React Dynamic Charts: animated dynamic charts to visualize your data
- react-plotly: React Component for plotly.js charting library
- highcharts-react: Official Highcharts react components
- React Char: React Chart for Bootstrap and Material-UI
- React Hook Form: Hook-based Forms with Validation etc.
- Formik: Form Framework for React
- formsy-react: Form input builder and validator
- React Form: form framework including validation etc
- Redux Form Form framework based on Redux
- Octicons: A scalable set of icons by GitHub
- FontAwesome: FontAwesome icons for React
- Feather Icons: Feather icon components
- react-icons: popular icons for react (from various sources)
- React Admin: A frontend Framework for building admin applications on top of REST/GraphQL APIs with React and Material Design (v2 of admin-on-rest, which is now in maintenance mode)
- Airframe React: Dashboard, Admin, Analytics template for React (based on Bootstrap)
- ThemeUI: Build themeable apps with React
- Admin-on-Rest: A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design (old; use its successor React Admin instead)
- React Sketch.app: Render React components to Sketch
- Ink: React components React for interactive command-line apps
- FormatJS: libraries for internationalization (contains react-intl by yahoo)
- react-i18next: internationalization based on *i18next
- LinguiJS: internationalization in Javascript
- fbt: internationalization library by facebook
- aHooks: Library with various hooks for different purposes
- useHooks: Example hooks with source code examples
- React Aria: Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives by Adobe
- Redux: Predictable State Container
- Redux Toolkit: official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux
- Mobx: Simple, scalable state management
- Recollect, a state management library for React, an alternative to Redux
- Overmind: frictionless state management
- Recoil: statemanagement library for React (by Facebook)
- Apollo GraphQL Client: React state in client-side GraphQL
- Stately: Hooks that provides cross-platform state management for your design system
- Satchel: dataflow framework based on the Flux architecture by Microsoft (works with MobX)
- React Query: Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
- SWR: Hooks library for data fetching ("stale-while-revalidate")
- Dashboards: List of React Dashboards Apps
- UI Components: Amazing list of Components
- 11 React Component Libraries You Should Know In 2018
- Best UI Frameworks for your new React.js App
I try to add more links to the list as soon I discover something interessting. If you find something, please let me know and I'll add it to the list. You can follow me on Twitter: @nilshartmann. Need help with React, TypeScript, GraphQL? Find more informations on https://reacttraining.dev (in german only).