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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Extract all MVC / WebApi area/controller/actions
public static class Extensions{
public static TInner IfNotNull<T, TInner>(this T source, Func<T, TInner> selector, bool createNew = false)
where T : class
return source != null
? selector(source) : (createNew ? Activator.CreateInstance<TInner>() : default(TInner));
/// <summary>
/// Extract all MVC/WebApi area/controller/actions
/// </summary>
public class ResourceHelper
private const string NamespacePrefix = "github";
public static List<ApplicationResource> GetResources()
var resources = new List<ApplicationResource>();
resources.AddRange(MapResources<IController>()); // MVC
resources.AddRange(MapResources<IHttpController>(true)); // Web API
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Exception exSub in ex.LoaderExceptions)
var exFileNotFound = exSub as FileNotFoundException;
if (exFileNotFound != null)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exFileNotFound.FusionLog))
sb.AppendLine("Fusion Log:");
string errorMessage = sb.ToString();
//Display or log the error based on your application.
return resources;
private static IEnumerable<ApplicationResource> MapResources<T>(bool api = false)
var cSuffix = api ? "ApiController" : "Controller";
var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(); // currently loaded assemblies
var areaRegistrations = GetAreaRegistrations(assemblies).ToList();
var controllerTypes = GetControllerTypes<T>(assemblies, cSuffix);
var controllerMethods = GetControllerActions(controllerTypes, api);
foreach (var controllerType in controllerMethods)
string area = GetAreaName(controllerType, areaRegistrations);
string controller = controllerType.Key.Name.Replace(cSuffix, "");
foreach (MethodInfo action in controllerType.Value)
string actionName = action.Name;
bool attrGet = action.GetCustomAttributes(false).Any(a => a.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(typeof(HttpPostAttribute)));
yield return new ApplicationResource(area, controller, actionName, attrGet, api);
private static string GetAreaName(
KeyValuePair<Type, IEnumerable<MethodInfo>> controllerType,
IEnumerable<Type> areaRegistrations)
if (controllerType.Key.Namespace != null && controllerType.Key.Namespace.Contains("Areas"))
var areaNamespace = controllerType.Key.Namespace;
var regArea = areaRegistrations.First(a => a.Namespace != null && areaNamespace.Contains(a.Namespace));
var areaNameProp = regArea.GetProperty("AreaName");
var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(regArea); // have to create an instance before retrieving the property value
var areaNameValue = areaNameProp.GetValue(instance);
return areaNameValue.ToString();
return string.Empty;
private static Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<MethodInfo>> GetControllerActions(IEnumerable<Type> controllerTypes, bool api)
var controllerMethods = controllerTypes.ToDictionary(
controllerType => controllerType,
controllerType => controllerType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(m =>
// NOTE : We are using 'HttpResponseMessage' as the return in every API action method.
// if that isn't the case with your API,
// something like this will get you to a close result :
// ==> (api || typeof(ActionResult).IsAssignableFrom(m.ReturnType))
&& (api ? typeof(HttpResponseMessage).IsAssignableFrom(m.ReturnType) : typeof(ActionResult).IsAssignableFrom(m.ReturnType))
&& m.Name != "Dispose"
&& !m.IsSpecialName
&& !m.IsStatic));
return controllerMethods;
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetControllerTypes<T>(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies, string controllerSuffix = "Controller")
var controllerTypes = assemblies
.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t != null
&& t.IsPublic // public controllers only
&& t.Name.EndsWith(controllerSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) // enfore naming convention
&& t.Namespace.IfNotNull(n => n.ToLowerInvariant().StartsWith(NamespacePrefix))
&& !t.IsAbstract // no abstract controllers
&& typeof(T).IsAssignableFrom(t));
// should implement T (happens automatically when you extend Controller/ApiController)
return controllerTypes;
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetAreaRegistrations(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
var areaRegistrations = assemblies.SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes())
.Where(t => t != null && typeof(AreaRegistration).IsAssignableFrom(t));
return areaRegistrations;
public class ApplicationResource
public ApplicationResource(string area, string controller, string action, bool post, bool api)
Area = area;
Controller = controller;
Action = action;
IsGet = !post;
IsApi = api;
public string Area { get; set; }
public string Controller { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public bool IsGet { get; set; }
public bool IsApi { get; set; }
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